Obviously naive. Most everybody knows that a presidential signing is the highest law of the land. Public sessions of congress are just window dressing for the powerless masses. Real power is exercised in secret, and only publicized long after any effective responses are moot. Justice is provided by those with the authority to invoke police and other legal actions. After accusation, decisions are made on the basis of financial ability to work the system. The Constitution, and particularly the Bill of Rights, were radical statements when they were initially written. They still are. They're tilting with windmills, but I wish them well. Maybe they could address whether or not the FDA is subject to the first amendment of the constitution.
It's worse than that. WeThePeopleFoundation is a fraud. If you visit that home page, you will see an enlarged section from a 1963 Hawaiian birth certificate box 7c with the caption "Foreign Country" which they claim proves that Hawaii allowed foreign-born persons to register on the Live Birth form. The fraud is that blocks 7a-7g are the MOTHER'S RESIDENCE, not the place of birth, which is in block 6a and has nothing about "Foreign Country". It's a total sham which they hope nobody will notice since the full certificate showing the context is too blurry to read. The truth is that Hawaii started allowing registration of out of state infants born to residents in 1982, 21 years after Barack Obama's birth was registered. PS: Love my Prius:rockon:
Thats a website for pretty stupid people, looks like a lot of things designed to appeal to the people with no common sense, therefore, the same people that will surrender their money to the people running WeThePeopleThatAreGoingToStealFromYou website.
There's a guy i work with who is all over this.... of course he's the same guy who was all over viking tablets in the mid-west, FEMA having a secret UN army to enslave us, and has stockpiled for the end of the world since i have known him. He's become my canary in the mine shaft in regards to these types of theories---if he supports it it's crap it's good to have someone like that around you know? regards Froley
Oy. I've had the misfortune of knowing people like that. Does he also believe the contrails in the sky, from airliners, is part of a sinister "spraying" program? Don't even ask, it's not worth it If people really are becoming that nutty, perhaps we actually deserve to have FEMA's secret UN army enslave all of us