I sent an email off to Danny to see if it was OK with him if I started a 2009 Prius calendar but I have not heard back from him. I sent the email only a few days ago and I know he is busy with a lot of stuff but I figure I will get the ball rolling on what I would like to do. I can create a calendar in my cafepress account and have it available for everyone to purchase. I would charge a few dollars more that the cost. I think the at cost is $17.99. I could bump that up to $19.99 and what ever profit I get from sales I could forward to Danny. That way we are helping out our favorite admin. One question I asked him was if it was OK to do this would he want it to be an official priuschat.com calendar or just a user created calendar? There would not be much difference between the two except on the official calendar we would have an official priuschat.com logo somewhere or everywhere on the calendar. So here is what I want to do to get the ball rolling so we have everything ready just in case Danny wants me to sell the calendar or if he wants to sell the calendar. For this calendar we will need 13 images. One for the cover and 12 for the months. I would like to see a season theme for each month. Like a snow covered prius for winter months and a nice summer pic for the summer months. It does not have to be a picture of a Prius. Just as long as its Prius related it should be fine. Just be creative. You must own the rights to your own pictures. You cannot use someone else pictures as your own. You can however nominate other users pictures but we must get their permission to use the picture in the calendar. When you submit your picture please say which month you want your picture used for. Also give a few details like Owners name, Screen Name, Model year of Prius, Color, and General Location. This information will be put into the calendar under the picture. Please provide as much info as you want the public to know. When you submit your picture submit a small version to save space. If your picture will be used in the calendar you must have a large version. 1280x1024 pixels is a good start. The cover image is up for grabs and can be anything. The basic thing the cover image needs is "2009 Prius Calendar" or "2009 priuschat.com" calendar depending on which way Danny would like to go. I want the deadline for nominations to be December 17th and the deadline for the official picks to be December 24th. There wont be an official poll or anything. If you see a picture you like make a post that you want to see the picture by user XXXXX used for month XX. I'll keep track of the posts and come December 18th through the 24th we will get a final yea or nay on the final order of things. If necessary if a picture is nominated for month X you can always say this picture would be better on month Y. If there is an issue on what picture will be used the mods will have the final say. If the mods cant decide then Danny gets the final say. If Danny cant decide I will just put a picture of a Hummer in its place. The original H1 not one of those sissy H2 or H3 pieces of crap. I hope I did not forget anything. I will update this first post with the winners of each month and cover picture. Cover Picture January February March April May June July August September October November December
I submitted several photos for the 2006 calendar, so I'll not be resubmitting any of the photos which were selected that year. High res versions of these samples will be made available if they are selected for the calendar.
I have a really quick one taken next to the beach the day I got my Prius. I will try and take a better one soon, maybe tomorrow, next to the ocean with the Southern Cal sun:rockon: Here is one that I took recently after a detail
:bump2: Come on people we still need pictures! Tell you what if we don't meet the dead line I will make a Prius calender full of Hummers! I will call it "Hummers. Better at saving planet Earth than the Prius."
Here are a couple of my new prius they where taken in Early April.. At Wal-mart day one Just after getting my windows tinted
Can't make up my mind. (We do love our Priuses). This last one is actually a Photoshop. More on my Web page. Higher res available mostly I think.
Sorry Jay, I just haven't taken many in a couple of years and the weather's been pretty non-photogenic lately since you posted the thread. I've got some oldish ones...nothing fancy though...
Hi Jay, Got your PM - thank you for the invite to post my avatar picture. Hope it turns out OK as I don't normally post pictures. "Also give a few details like Owners name, Screen Name, Model year of Prius, Color, and General Location. This information will be put into the calendar under the picture." 2007 Seaside Pearl Buckhorn Lake, Ontario, Canada
I count 22 pictures. If one is willing to use more than one picture from each contributor, that is enough. OTOH, there may not be 12 of sufficient quality to meet the editor's standings. And maybe there will be some months with multiple pictures or collages. So we could use some more.:bump2:
Not really what I'd consider calendar material, but here's one of the Corner Gas set, and one with lotsa bugs. edit: Here's more from the collection.
I see about 9-10 calendar ready pictures in my opinion. Maybe we can fill in the rest with Evan's pictures? I will try to hunt through Evan's pictures and some of my own to see if we can get a larger sample. hyo silver I see two pictures that may not be yours. Just a reminder you can only submit your own pictures or someone else if you have their permission. We also still need a cover image!!!!
Oops, sorry. The others were found here, but no, they're not mine and I didn't ask. My bad. I'll take them out.
From Evan's collection. I dont know why but I like this pic. I like this one too for some reason. This might look good if it was brightened up in Photo Shop. This one would look good for July but I might have to put a border around it so nothing gets chopped off at the cutters.
Jay, I have the raw image of all those, so if you decide you want to use one let me know and I can clean them up from the raw data to preserve as much detail/data as possible.