I've never had great results using various products from the local stores. Saw this product mentioned on another thread and it looks great. I ordered everything last night (well, not everything). Does anyone have experience with this product? What can I expect!
I've used it and think it works very well. Just be sure to wash the car first with Dawn dish soap (or equivalent) to remove anything that's already been applied to the paint. After that just follow the instructions explicitly. I think the biggest problem is usually not leaving enough time for each application to dry before removing. If you try to remove it when it's still even slightly wet, it'll just make a streaky mess. Once it's dry it just flakes right off leaving a nice shiny look (and the paint will feel very smooth). On our silver it looked very nice but I think it gives darker colours a really deep shine. It seems to last quite a while also.
Is the info presented on their web site true? Is it the best car polish you've ever used? I think I've tried everything on the market over the years, with disappointing results. But, like I said, I ordered almost everything last night. Any Tips from using these products that can't be found on their web site?
Great product........with a big following! I obviously can't "verify" everything on their site. One tip I would suggest is......"go lite".....don't cake it on really thick! First application, it includes washing with a strong detergent to remove old wax and buildup, then clay barring it, then washing it again. From there, it is the simple apply polish (which is easier than a wax), wait for the polymer to set w/ the paint (30 mins), then buff it off, then use some detailer spray to remove any excess.... also use it in between multiple applications (it does enhance it). Expect to spend a whole day the first time. Not gonna lie, its a Pain in the butt, but worth every bit of it. From there on, it's easier to apply and remove (you polish the whole car, wait 30 mins, then buff off and use spray). During the 30 mins, do your tires and a little interior... that way i waste no time.
Thanks for the info. After reading about the products I expected it to take at least a whole day, maybe a weekend. How often do you find yourself wanting to put on another coat?
Priusenvy posted this link: http://forums.roadfly.org/forums/detailing/ I've been devouring the info on this site like a madman when it comes to detailing. These folks are Zaino fanatics and have posted tons of good info about it. For instance: http://forums.roadfly.org/forums/detailing...=1635414&page=5 -bob
I put my first Zaino on during the long weekend last May. I would have done it sooner, but I had to wait until the weather was warm enough. It took me most of two days. They are serious about not over-applying. Use minimal amounts for the best outcome. This is the first time I have had people stop and comment on how good my car looked while I was "waxing" it, and that happened twice on the second day. Months after I applied it strangers were still commenting on the polish of my car. A few weeks ago, a woman I work with mentioned that her husband had asked her if I wash my car three times each day. I'll be reapplying Zaino when it gets warm enough, either on the May long weekend or in July.
I'm debating whether to go the Zaino route myself. I know that everyone talks of the longevity of Zaino but does this apply to cars that reside outside? I don't garage my car, it's outside 24/7. I wouldn't mind 1-2 days worth of detailing if it's gonna last for months. But, if it's only going to last a month, I think I'd be better off using an easier product (Klasse, etc) that takes less time and just have to detail more frequently. Thoughts? -bob
IMO....Your the perfect candidate.........Read closely......it's only the 1st application that is the Pain......Subsequent applications are very simple and I actually enjoy the routine...... Depending on individual pref........I think every 8 months for a total reapply is sufficient with "touch-ups" (wash as normal and then 30 min application of Z2) maybe every 2 months. Another nice thing is.......the P* is soooo small.......It's nowhere close to the surface area of an SUV...... dooood.....when my wife got her new Accord......she did the whole process her-self......! let me know........I have a guy in LA that I buy mine from if anyone needs a hook-up!
Add me to the host of very satisfied Zaino users. I had never heard of the stuff before Priuschat -- but followed up on the references and the detailing links. Thanks very much for the info! I bought a Zaino kit containing the clay bar, Z-7 wash, ZFX accelerator, Z-2 and Z-5 polishes, Z-6 detailing spray, three applicators, four mixing bottles, and a nice Zaino Bros decal. Very cost effective. Shipping was reasonable and the products arrived well packed and in good condition. Never having clay barred a car before, let alone applied two-part polymer finish treatments, I wasn't sure what to expect, so I set aside a whole day. I finished up in just a couple of hours before and after dinner. Most of the time was spent clay barring the finish and re-washing afterward, then drying thoroughly. Everything I've read about the ease of application, economical application, and superb results with Zaino products turned out to be true. Less really is more, and with just a mild learning curve, I went from about 1 ounce of Z-5 polish for the first coat to about 3/4 ounce for the final couple of coats of Z-2. Finished up with a spritz and buff of Z-6 detailing spray. The finish on my 05 Super White is superb -- super shiny and super slick. In the intervening week all I've had to do is gently dust off the little bit of pine pollen and road dust that has managed to cling with a Swiffer. I've never had a wax job go on this easy, with such outstanding results! And, no discoloration of any of the black rubber or plastic parts. Thanks again for steering me to Zaino! Steve Z
Welcome to the club! :wink: Now just wait til the first rain and you see those wonderful "Beads" of water! Also.....did I mention the wonderful Zaino "Smell"? ummmmmmm Zaino smell......yum! Next thing you'll need to get into is the Towels.......most of the pros use the towells that have had the edges removed....(they use plastic threads that can scratch clearcoat) and restitched with cotton thread. These towels are used for buffing off the Zaino..... Also, for drying the car after washing......I've grown very fond of the "Absorber"..... I have 2. Here is a link that describes it..........I buy mine at Walmart for $9 absorber
Here Here, Thank to this thread I also ended up with the ZFX package and after 5 hours (good thing I got the 6 disc changer) and 11 trips around the car (wash,dry,clay,buff,wash,dry,wax,buff,spray,buff,wax,buff) I have a nice 2 layers of wax and a beutiful finish. I was going to put on two more coats of wax this morning but the rain came........
I've never heard of this stuff, but I have a Black Prius and would certainly like to cut down on the maintenance. I don't do car washes. I wash myself and once a year I splurge for a hand detail, but that's getting pretty expensive even for once a year. Can you use this with an invisible bra on the car? Will it scratch it or effect it at all?
I have used Zaino polish on my "other" car since 2001 when I bought it - a 96 silver Vette. My son insisted we use Zaino, but after reading how much was involved initially, I was dubious. Well, he won, and I'm happy he did. The shine is unbelieveable, long lasting, easily maintained, smells edible when applying, etc. Follow above mentioned cautions from other responders closely and you will be a happier Prius owner. I bought our 2005 Tideland Pearl, pkg. 6 last week - Zaino'd it that Saturday. Also, follow the hints on which direction to rub when applying. Good luck!
The Zaino I put on my pri 2 months ago is still great. Although the products are supposed to have anti-static properties, it seemed to attract dust/pollen untill it cured (about a week). Nothing sticks to it. I get tree sap and bird poop almost daily, and it wipes right off.
Also, the plastic polish is great on the shiney plastic on the raido and cubby. Really cut down on the static cling. Dust once a week instead of once a day. Don't put it on the doors or dash, doesn't work. It did wonders for the scratches on the drink holders.
P6NaDon, After Zaino'ing your tideland, can you comment on the shine? It seems like this color doesn't lend itself to a super shine or depth.
bobc The shine appears to be better, but may just be my wishful thinking after all the work. I do know it feels smoother and seems to shed dust , pollen, etc. better unlike RBW111's experience with having to wait for a week to cure. My son says there is a definite improvement in the shine. (On my Vette, there was a significant improvement in the shine, probably due to the age of the paint and previous care.) I am almost as excited over my Prius as I was my Vette, course I didn't have to dream about owning the Prius for 40+ years before I got one, as I had to do with the Vette!