Hey gang. I'm driving from Tampa to Pennsylvania and back in November for a big guitar show, with various stops each day along the way in both directions to meet up with friends etc, different routes for each direction. I'll be in places like Newport News, Baltimore, NYC, New Jersey, Raleigh, Asheville, Columbia, Jacksonville, etc etc etc ad nauseum. If anyone wants to meet up for lunch or what not, please let me know! Cheers, J Dog ...PS FYI it's easy to find me at the RickResource Forum as jdogric12.
Well I got back a little over a week ago and had a blast. Went 2700 miles and only paid $112 for gas. Not too shabby! MPG averaged between 40 and 45, but I had 15 guitars in cases with me, and all my clothes, tux, shoes, etc.
I wish I had known you were coming this way, I just saw this thread for the first time today. If you ever decide to make the trip again, look me up and maybe we can do lunch or something.
Now i don't feel so bad. When we went the opposite wasy from Pa.to Fl. and back I only got 42-45mpgs also. We had a big load in the car too.