If you (DanMan) mean the outlet inside the console, the slot near that is for a power cord for something plugged into the outlet. This would allow you to extend the cord out of the closed console and keep your phone (or other accessory) plugged in. I haven't seen a slot near the outlet below the glove box, so I think this is what you were asking about. Hope this helps.
Dan, no idea. Some have used it for valet cards. I tried putting pens/pencils but that didn't work. My phone won't fit. Maybe it's for a PDA? Jim, I know the Camry allows you to charge the phone with the power outlet inside the console and leave the phone outside but I can't do that with the Prius. There isn't a gap for the cord to squeeze in between the lid and box.
I just went out and took a look, Dan, and I can't find what you're talking about. Though I did find something interesting. Just to the left of the shifter, behind and slightly below the wiper-wand, there's a thing with four raised bumps and green lights on either side. I pushed on it and it went in. It's as though something is meant to be inserted there, perhaps to make the car run, but I've never had to put anything in there and Priapus has always run. Hmm.
Tony, open the centre console, remove the tray so that you can see the whole box. At the front of the box, above the power outlet, you can see some sort of niche. It's rather thin.
Sorry, kneejerk reaction. I thought TonyPSchaefer had been around WAY too long to need my response, but I got caught up in the moment. I'll go enter some phone #'s into Voltaire now, and slowly walk away from the computer <g>.
Yes, I was joking. It's easy to have a dry sense of humor when all you're doing it typing. Like Tideland said, I found that the slot in the center console fits two pads of valet cards rather nicely. Other than those, I couldn't find anything that fits "perfectly". Especially since, if memory serves me right, the shape is actually trapizoidal, getting less wide at the bottom than it is at the top. Also, I think I checked the manual specifically looking for a mention and couldn't find anything about it. dan, don't you have all the mechanical drawings and electrical wiring diagrams for the Prius? Is there really no mention of this in there? May we should start a thread asking for pictures of the most interesting use of that space.
Hi DanMan32 I have a 12V adaptor plugged into the outlet for my bluetooth Nokia 6230. The phone slides nicely into that slot in the centre console ahead of the outlet, so that is how I am using it.
A couple of "boxes" of books on tape (yes some of us still use them....) can be placed at the rear and then a square box of tissues can be placed in the front sticking up for easy access!! (keeping the drawer open). I do like the dog biscuit idea as well
1) Tissues. 2) A micro-fiber cloth for wiping off the front console (because every other cloth I used left lint on the rough black surface up by the windshield). 3) A small automotive "emergency" kit so I don't have to exit the vehicle to get at my other supplies in the back.
RBW111, I have found a small pack of Kleenex tissues that would fit in the lower pull-out drawer so they do exist. Keep looking!
I found the center counsel lower drawer when I was reading the owner's manual but though that the drawer was supposed to go out the back. When I didn't see the drawer in the back I figured that it must be something for the base models and that there was something in the pkg.#6 that was taking its place. So it did end up taking a week to find the drawer in the front. I store all my charging gear in there, 50 watt inverter (i have to plug it into the socket under the glove box since the combination of the inverter and any charging adapter ends up taking up taking up to much room in the the glove box) and standard plug type charges for my PDA, Phone, Laptop, Blue tooth earpiece, camera batteries. Since I spend more time either in my car or away from home I figured it would be better to keep all these things in the car , and with the inverter I don't need to buy special car chargers for each piece of equipment. I store the PDA on the velvet lined "shelf" in the center counsel. Other than the PDA I haven't found any other unique storage uses or areas, yet.
I take that back, I put my Nokia 3550 in the DIN slot under the CD Changer. It fits nice and is velvety lined. At least until I put in the DVD/MO3 AUX video unit! :mrgreen: