OK guys, after a search I was unable to find anything quite like this one... I hear a subdued rattle from the front right suspension area when going over small bumps of high frequency. That is, manhole covers, rough roads, brick surfaces, etc, but NOT big bumps like speedbumps. No air whooshing sound in as in a similar post. I can't hear much difference with the windows down versus open. It sounds very similar to if you've ever had a shock loose. It rattles whenever the shock changes direction, hence being so noticeable on the aforementioned surfaces. It's quite certainly not a dash rattle or from something lightweight like trim--it sounds more structural than that. The best analogous sound I could think of would be if the hood prop rod was rattling against the unibody in the engine compartment. I don't think it's that--that's just the sort of sound it's making. After poking around at everything I could find, it's still there! Any ideas?
I had my front left McPherson strut replaced under warranty due to a rattle, fixed it right up. Hope this helps.
Especially if you have more than 60K miles on your odometer it would be reasonable to find that your front struts/rear shocks need replacement. If you can raise up the car, look for any evidence of oil seepage on the strut/shock body. If you see substantial leakage you should feel comfortable replacing them. Even if you don't see leakage it is possible that the strut has failed. If the noise bugs you this would be sufficient reason to replace them (although this is a fairly expensive proposition.)
OK, just in case it comes up in future searches, I replaced the front struts and the problem went away. So surprised it happened at 50k miles!
Thanks for the update. Did you DIY or did you pay for this work to be done? If you DIY, did you try compressing the old struts manually to see how they compared to the new? I'm also interested in your parts source and the cost for this. If you paid for the work to be done, did you use a Toyota dealer or some other repair shop? I had replaced the rear shocks on my 2004 at ~30K miles because one was leaky. The car now has 53K miles and I have recently been noticing front suspension noise. Hence I am thinking about replacing the front struts. It appears that KYB aftermarket may be less expensive than buying the official Toyota front struts (also made by KYB.)
Paid for a shop to do it. Got one quote for $1100 for a well-known local shop, and $450 at a shell service station, including parts. Went for the $450 and everything seems great! Wasn't able to look at old parts...
Good to know...I did just search as I've been having rattling (can't tell if it's left or right). Thought it might be my BT skid plate, but I checked that thoroughly the other day and it's tight as a drum without rattles. The BT strut brace is, likewise, quite firm/stable feeling when I grab and shake it so I don't think it's vibrated loose or anything. It's odd b/c the sound makes you think you should feel something, an unsteady turn or something...but it's pretty normal feeling other than an occasional vibration in the steering wheel.. Ugh, I don't want to replace the struts...
Bump +1 For those worried about the rattle...I've had the rattle for 4 months now and didn't bother replacing the struts only because it's crazy expensive for me anyways. But it's just a noise and I haven't felt anything bad with the driving part. No vibrations...just clank clank and that's it. When I do get money though I will have them replaced...let's see how far I get with them.
around the 100k mile mark on any car, have the strut mounts and bushings checked, along with control arms, springs,, etc. suspension around 100k is due for a checkup.
I have the same problem, or at least i think i do. the rattle comes from the brakes. try going over some bumps with light brake pressure. if the sound goes away, then obviously you have the same problem I have. the dealer said no problem as calipers, etc., are a bit loose to insure the don't create undue resistance. I plan to get a 2nd opinion.
I recently noticed a TSB for the 2nd Gen Prius regarding front suspension noise. It called for replacement/upgrade of ICE engine mounts. Not sure if that would help but it worth a look see.
Would u happen to have a link for the TSB? Even when I handed them the sheet for the AUX TSB they said that it was fake
the only rattle I get is from the clove box, and it's empty except for the legal stuff. driving me nuts
Wow, someone with the same problem I had. Solution: Dealer shimmed the front pads, also added a very thick grease to hold things in place. Had to regrease them after about a year. All is nice and quiet, good luck to you. Dan.
Prius Motor mount information noted below: TOYOTA Some Prius owners may notice a knock from the front of the vehicle, especially when driving on rough roads. In T.S.B 0300-08 issued on Sept. 18, Toyota said an engine mount attached to the transaxle was the culprit. Adding engine mount insulators should quiet things down.
Sorry the link for the motor mounts is noted below: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/30/automobiles/30TSB.html?em
My 2004 Prius had a leaking strut in the first year of operation and it was replaced under the warranty. But my 2007 Prius has a noise from the front left suspension that Toyota hasn't been able to fix in two service visits six months apart. I'm due for another service next month and hope they can find the problem (I have only 11,000 miles on the car). The left strut was replaced by Toyota (and the windshield, twice, which the technician broke), but it didn't fix the noise. It occurs over big bumps and sounds like a metallic hiccup. Can anyone out there help me? Coiuld it be from the steering?
I know this is an old thread, but just wanted to chip in a few thoughts on a front end rattling noise. I believe the OP's issue is different from the one i had on my '07, but wanted to add this information to help out others. My issue definitely sounded like a bad suspension issue: very loud rattle when driving over any/every bump. It was louder with the window down, but went away completely if i was pushing the brake pedal enough to get the disc brakes to apply. The issue for me was the abutment shims, which prevent the disc brake pads from moving up and down, and were worn out. These are typically included in the "disc brake hardware kit" sold by the major auto-parts sites. The symptoms i had were that the front brakes emitted a loud "chatter" or "rattle" kind of noise when driving over bumps. The noise would go away when pushing the brake pedal enough to engage the disc brakes, even when riding over bumps. These hardware kits contain the abutment shims, as well as sometimes the slider pin boots. These shims are sometimes called slider shims, or anti-rattle shims. they are NOT the same as the clips that go on the back of the pads. One word of caution for these hardware kits: i bought a kit from Dorman, and it included 4x identical shims. This is NOT right. These kits should have 2x of two different types of abutment shim. one shim has a "P" shaped edge, which contacts the pads, and prevents rattling. The other 2x shims don't have this "P" edge. These should be paired together with 1x P shim on each side. Get this kit from Warner or Bosch instead of Dorman junk. i've included pictures of these shims below. I advise putting the "P" shaped shim on the top. This should prevent it from wearing out prematurely, as it won't be constantly compressed when you actuate the brakes.