After reading so many other accident threads by my fellow Prius owners here it's now my turn to post my own sad tale. I was rear-ended today by a Lexus RX-330 while stopped at a light. The other driver apparently didn't notice the red light or the line of cars stopped at said light and just plowed right into me. Thankfully no one was hurt. My poor Prius didn't fair so well though: More delightful photos at: Prius Accident - a set on Flickr I want to go on record as saying this is an absolutely shitty way to start off the holiday season!
I trust he was insured? Looks (to my untrained eye) like the damage will be easily fixed. These things are a pain (I've been through a few of them, though not with the Prius just yet), but you'll get the car fixed and move on. Take heart!
Oooh - ouch! You're right, it's a really rotten way to start the holidays. Hope your baby can be put right quickly
Dang, what a shame! Hopefully it didn't bend the frame and you'll be back on the road again in no time.
Ouch that really stinks, but hopefully they can fix that easily and no major damage was done and you'll get your Pri back quickly. I looked at your flicker album and was that a picture of the bumper of the Lexus that hit you? It didnt look like they got any damage at all did they?
Thanks for the thoughts all! Yep, that was the bumper of the other car. Aside from a few scratches and maybe a small panel that got popped (maybe) he came away pretty unscathed. He told me he was on his way to the DMV to get his license renewed. Yes, thankfully he was. All in all, I was pretty lucky. This case is pretty clear cut and the body shop I had my car towed to has is actually on my insurer's list. Plus I got a free loaner car to boot (a Buick but I'll take what I can get).
Oh no! Sorry to hear, Moxie. That's not the kind of welcome home you were expecting. At least you're alright.
I'm glad it looks worse than it apparently is! Same dang thing happened to me with about six months on the car, but just the rear bumper cover had to be replaced. I guess any one of us can have a moment of carelessness, but why can't people be more attentive? Hope you get it back soon! Jim
Sorry about your car, but at least a Lexus owner is probably paid up on the auto insurance. My advice would be to make sure they do an alignment check after repairing the body damage - to make sure the rear axle didn't get tweaked.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Oh, Moxie, I am SO SORRY! You poor thing! Your poor Prius! :sniff:
Thanks again for the encouraging words all! Fortunately, it's not totaled. The body shop estimate came out to just a bit over $7200.00 (everything should be covered by the other driver's insurance and no deductible for me). It'll be 3 weeks (at least) before I see my Prius again. It's strange to be driving a conventional car once more.
Driving the loaner will make you appreciate your Prius even more when you get it back. It's like fooling around on your's nothing like that.
Gee Moxie, what a bummer! And that Lexus driver was on his way to the DMV to get his DL renewed?! What irony ... he should be denied out-of-hand and put into a re-hab program! There's just no excuse for the inattention that causes this kind of accident.