I recently installed new speakers and a new Alpine 9884 Deck and the sound is incredible. Although, I'm having some problems with the A/C not working when I switch on my headlights. Also, the illumination on the steering wheel doesnt turn on for the buttons. Has anyone installed a deck and encountered the same problem?? is there a fix??
When you plugged the head unit into the speaker/power harness did you leave the second harness connected to the back of the stock radio? Or did you remove the radio and use the "68 ohm resistor hack"?
Have a look at the .pdf file in this thread describing the placement of the 68ohm resistor. It sounds like you had someone else do the install? Ask them how they connected the new radio (did they solder a proper adaptor harness or do a 'snip and electric tape' install). If the resistor wasn't added at all I think your A/C wouldn't work at all. With a switching problem like you describe I'd be worried that it's not connected properly or there is a short somewhere.