My Siemens S56 was stolen. I now have Nokia 6230 and have got car to recognize it but cannot transfer phonebook to car. Does anyone have a Nokia 6230? Have you been able to transfer phonebook to car? Would appreciate instructions and HELP.
Have you tried the following procedure?:
I don't think that will help. The car recognizes the phone. When I click on "Transfeer phone list" it tells me to send from the phone and there doesn't appear to be a way to send from phone. When I starty the car, it tells me "bluetooth Connection ok" or something like that. It does NOT say "Bluetooth Connection Failed"
Ok, got it. What a pain in the rear! The reference guide above does have the right directions, but I had to keep turning both the car and the phone on and off in between each number transfer in order to reestablish the bluetooth connection. Fortunately I didn't have that many numbers, but yikes! Look at the instruction sheet more closely, George. It includes not only instructions for making connectivity, but there are also instructions for transferring numbers. It's a pain, but it works.
Liza - Sorry for the mis-spelled words in my previous msg. I presume you used 'Handset Procedure' and if so, can you remember how you transferred, using the instructions in right column of 'Handset Procedure'? I printed the page so I can follow the instructions. I NEED YOURHELP!!!!!!! PLEEEEEZE
I have the same phone and had no problems, apart from the single number transfer, but I did not have to switch the car off at any stage - they synchronised themselves. I have looked at the instructions and they seem to be correct and are essentially what I did.
George-- On the sheet, start with "To Transfer Phonebook" under "Vehicle Procedure." It's in the dead center of the page. Then, under "Handset Procedure" look at the box on the right, which is also headed "To Transfer Phonebook."