Ok, this may not belong here. When I drive my Mazda3s GT the other day, another 3s "wave" several times, and they keep waving everytime we drove side by side, first time to see this, and perhaps the last time, I will trade it in for a prius this weekend I think i will miss my 3sGT , auto light ,auto wiper, leather seat, heater seat, adjustable seat, telescope wheel, cool xenon and fog light and you know what, i think the trunk has more space than a prius. Oh and also 25 MPG, bumpy and harsh ride ( i am surprised my 7months olds daugther not waking up when i hit numerous holes in NYC road, if you live here you know what im talking about) still dont know im upgrading my car or downgrading it.
We have so many in our area that I see a Prius nearly every time a drive a mile from my house. Waving isn't that common now. I get my jollies more from the other cars than their drivers, I suppose. If I see a Prius in the parking lot, I'll go park next to it -- regardless (almost) of how far I may need to walk after parking there. That trick always gets a smile and nod, if not a full blown wave.
This might sound racist but I only wave to the same color Prii, since Black isn't that popular, which I love, I am not waving much.
"It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand!" Had a 1985 Jeep CJ-7, can't say enough good about about it! Finally got rid of it in 1996 with over 134,000 miles on the clock, the body really started to rot away. Should have fiberglass tubed it....
Perhaps, but I'll keep giving my fellow Silver Green Pica Prius drivers a wave, sooner of later I'll get one back.
Here in Rural Illinois, Prii have become a very common sight. I used to get waves and stuff in 2005, but 2006+ haven't really been fruitful. However, I haven't thought about honking! I am going to give that a try. I am however quite worried, because people here tend to be zombie-like. They just drive with bad tunnel vision, and for whatever reason stuck in their own little world. I'll post back if I start to get some response!
As alluded to earlier, due to the novelty of the car, Prius waves were a more common occurrence back in '04/'05 - even in areas like California and Chicago. Nowadays, Prii are very commonplace in most areas, so the wave has mostly gone by the wayside. In those areas where Prii are still a novelty, go ahead and wave away . . . but, if that car you are waving to has a California or Illinois plate, don't take offense if your wave isn't reciprocated . . . we have become desensitized and probably didn't see your beautiful new Prius. hwell: I kind of miss the Prius wave, but, I'd gladly give up the waving if it means there are more Prii on the road. That is a consequence I can live (and breath) with. If I really want a friendly wave from another motorist, I can always hop on my motorcycle. Riders wave at each more frequently than Prius drivers ever did. BUT . . . I don't expect to be seeing many waves from Harley riders. They are just too cool to lower themselves to that! A wave from a Harley rider to a non-Harley would be akin to a wave between a Prius and a Hummer . . . it's a rarity . . . especially with all four fingers showing. :wave:
Let's bring back the Prius Wave! I found an early post from '04 on this forum (search prius wave) and found a suggestion to basically flash the Victory sign at other Prii. The author didn't call it the Victory sign but it is what he described. I don't buy the idea that people don't wave because they are so common. My husband bought an '81 Jeep in '06 and discovered the Jeep/ 4WD wave. There is even a hierarcy: older Jeeps are waved at, they do not initiate the hierarchy. He has noticed that newer Jeep owners do not wave and he is considering posting Jeep etiquette at the local dealership. Perhaps we should do the same. The '81 Jeep BTW gets better gas mileage than some newer vehicles but not the Prius of course. There are a few Prii in my small town outside a military base, I'd say 5 in a town of 30,00 civilians and 25,000 military. A CIS adjunct faculty member at the technical college where I work drives an '02 and a student drives an '09. I haven't seen any at the main campus in Savannah. Don't forget to wave!!!
Generally, if we see a new Prius (paper tags, dealer paper plate, etc.), we will give them a thumbs up, if we catch their eye. This isn't a part of the world where waving at other drivers is considered "normal"... Back when I lived in rural Minnesota, NOT waving was downright "odd".
I've noticed some wave, some don't - I've decided to wave! The last time I saw that it was Mustangs from the 60's!
I kinda like every Prius I see. That being said... growing up on a Farm we waved at everyone who passed. It didn't matter whether you drove a Ford, Dodge, Chevy, or GMC. Being friendly is okay. I only see Land-Rover drivers with their hand in the shape of a L salute to each other today. Take it for what it's worth!
I live in the Bay Area so I see a lot of Priuses here. My arm would be very sore if I waved at every single Prius driver i see. lol.