My loan is approved and I have my details picked out, so it's time for me to make the decision... The only thing that has made me doubt myself is the pricetag... Oh well, I was getting tired of saving up all of that money - have to blow it somehow right? Going to try to get to the dealership tonight and sign some papers - hopefully I'll have one within a week! -Brint Future Prius Geek
Congratulation on your decision and I hope that you can get it in week. I'm about two weeks into mine and having a grand time.
Tomorrow is my one week anniversary with my Prius and I just ADORE this car!! Congratulations and you will feel that it is money WELL spent - I promise!
Well - the down payment is made. Now the hard part, waiting for it to arive! I'm not sure how some of you managed to wait 2-6 months - i'm going to go crazy, and I've been told mid-april -Brint
I was lucky.... I didn't have to wait at all. I walked in the dealer, test drove the Prius and then took it home with me. It was originally spoken for but the guy had just changed his mind and I was in the right place at the right time.
NHPrius, beautiful photograph. My spouse bought her Silver Pkg# 2 Monday evening and adores hers. She wanted the "green" but opted not to pay for the Pkg# 6. She also considered but decided against a Red Pkg# 4.
Thanks BoBraxton! I think my Prius is pretty dang cute! I originally wanted a black one but in retrospect I am glad I got the Silver. Congrats to your wife on her new Silver Prius! Your wife will fall more and more in love with hers as each day passes!!