new prius owner here, and already enjoying this site. successfully disabled the reverse beep, and ('05) the seat belt warning still beeps for a minute then quiets down, but, if i am not wearing my seat belt, the red warning light still blinks in the instrument panel. any way to disable that?
Cmon - surely you wear your seat belt when you are driving? If I forget to put mine on - a red warning light flashes in my brain, never mind the car!
I think the only way to disable that warning is to connect the seatbelt to the belt connector. It's a safety feature. While I feel the car would do a better job of protecting drivers from themselves if it would refuse to move until the seatbelt was connected, Toyota apparently feels the car shouldn't be *that* pushy about seatbelt usage.
jdubprius, this topic has been kicked around some and I'm not sure we've actually reached a final verdict. Some poeple with early '04s say that they've disabled the reverse beep. People with 05s say they can not. I have a late-04 and can not seem to be able to disable it. It seems to me that somewhere in the middle of the 04 production run they removed the ability to disable the seatbelt beep. I have not heard of anyone who knew what they were doing NOT being able to disable the reverse beep regardless of the production year. I think this is a topic that can be put to rest at a meet-up with a blend of model years. Have people who have successfully disabled their seatbelt warning disable it in an '05.
I have an 05 that I just bought two weeks ago and was able to disable the beeps for both the reverse warning and the seat belt warning.
Same proceedure, but buckle the passenger seatbelt. May need a friend to help you, as I think someone needs to be sitting in the passenger seat while it is buckled.
We have a Sept 04 built 2005 and when it arrived at the dealers we had them install a backup sensor which maps anything behind the vehicle and if anything, vehicle,tree,dog etc appears in the area while reversing it's beeper gives alert beeps which increase in frequency the closer the object is. However the technician didn't know how to disable the normal Prius beeps but using information I obtained here it was a simple procedure. Now the newly installed system just gives three short mapping bursts and shuts up unless something appears which we really should not damage or might damage our beautiful machine. Since it's costly up here in BC if you don't buckle-up( with fines and increase in insurance) we have left that warning alone.
Well the reason being that I don't need that beep anyway but I would like to enable it for the passenger side should whoever's sitting there, for whatever reason, not buckle up and didn't see that bright red icon blinking in front of them.
I disabled the reverse beep on my 05 Prius, but could not disable the seatbelt warning using the sequence found on this site. Today I disconnected the driver's side seatbelt electrical connector, and it seams to have completely disabled the seatbelt warning. Nate
[font=Comic Sans MS:28149718f8]Speaking about the seat belt beep, there are two sets of beeps. When you start the car there is a beep beep until you buckle your belt (driver's side) but it stops as soon as the belt is buckled. Other that physically altering the car, as Natedog did, I don't think this initial beep beep can be stopped. I always wear my seatbelt so I haven't tried to wait it out. The second set of beeps is when you have had your seat belt buckled and then unbuckle it, say to get out of your car to open a gate. This is the more annoying alarm because the frequency of the beeps (not the pitch) increases for about a minute, getting quite frantic at the end. After a while, it will stop, but you'll be crazy. This second set of beeps can be programmatically disabled as outlined before.[/font:28149718f8]
I haven't been able to disable the driver's seatbelt beep (Not the initial one, the hey buddy you're going over 16km/h without your seatbelt beep) and enable the passenger's one
Natedog, Did you just unplug the connector under the seat to disable the beep? If so, we may want to check into that... When I took my seats apart, I think I remember that there's a link between the seat belt and the air bags. The wires seem to go to both. We may want someone with an electrical diagram to check into this. Would hate for the airbags not to work.
Well, now I'm confused............again. Has anyone been able to completely eliminate all the seatbelt beeps? IOW, after the procedure, you hear nothing with the belt unbuckled regardless of speed? I disabled the initial beeping using the buckle/unbuckle procedure described in the KB. However, I still get beeps if I leave the belt unbuckled when the car hits around 10 MPH or so. Did I miss something?
Yeah, well, check that. I must have not been paying sufficiently close attention to the seatbelt thing. What happens is: Power on.....5 beeps then further beeps with the belt unbuckled until 10 MPH.
I drove today with the seatbelt electrical connector disconnected. There were no beeps when starting the car with the seat belt unbuckled, and no beeps when unbuckling my belt while driving through the parking lot at work. There were also no airbag warning lights. The connector I unplugged is the small two wire connector under the seat. It was fairly easy to access from the rear seat after sliding the front seat forward and leaning the seatback forward. Nate
[font=Comic Sans MS:3fcd4c1932] I programmed the second beeps off. I got in my car today, did NOT put on my belt, started and got the five beeps, backed out of my garage, put it in D and took off. At about 30 MPH I thought I should put on my belt, but I never got any speed related warning beeps. Maybe it's a Tag thing... [/font:3fcd4c1932]
Nailed that one pretty good, Bill. :lol: Anyway, I think I'll leave it alone because this car has really changed my driving habits......for the better. I always wear my seatbelt now and the beeps are a pretty minor annoyance for me since I only have to deal with them when I unbuckle the belt while going up my driveway.