Anyone have a creative use for the drawer in the front of the console? Unsafe to get into while driving. You can't even see it! Must be good for something.
The drawer in front of the console (I didn't discover it until a month after getting the car) is PERFECT for a box of tissue (preferably one that is from recycled material, i.e. Seventh Generation).
I didn't find it for about a month either. And still haven't figured out what to use it for. Tissue is a good idea. Can't find any tissue packaging that will fit in the right spot IN the console.
Isn't it COOL to keep discovering good surprises in your new Prius? The really nice thing, is you will continue to make pleasant discoveries. :idea: The console drawer is my space for computer screen "wipes" and eyeglass cleaning microfiber cloths to clean the MFD (Multi Function Display) screen.
I routed the wired remote control for my subwoofer into the drawer. It's perfect - out of sight, but easily reached. It also might be a good spot to hide stuff from your spouse, since apparently, nobody knows about it. DGStan
I read about that drawer before I picked up my car. It is where I store my (thankfully rarely used) ice scraper. For obvious reasons I don't need to access it while driving, so no safety problem there. - Bill
Tollway transponder is the only thing in there. I don't drive on the tollways much anymore so I rarely need it and when I do, I'm basically driving in a straight line so there's not much to distract me from.
Tony, I've found that the transponder still works when on the top shelf in the glove box. No need to take it out and 'wave it around' while driving through the tollbooth.
I travel a lot in my car during the day for my job, in rural areas going from farm to farm. My dog travels with me, so I hace been keeping snacks for me and biscuits for her in that drawer. It is the perfect place because my dog is unable to open it and she can open the glove box and will chew through a canvas bag to get to food. Maybe she doesn't know about the drawer.
In a local supermarket, we found full size Kleenex tissue in a plastic, soft package. It fits perfectly in the drawer since the soft packaging allows for the slight compression for it to fit.
Actually there is something else I found... In the lower glove box there is a slot at the back that is designed to hold the owner manuals folder. The dealer originally placed the folder inside the lower glove box and that was where I put it each time I had read it. It seems to have always been dark whenever I looked in the glove box, but last night I spotted a slot at the back that is deeper than the main glove box space. The owner manuals folder drops right in there which keeps it tidily away from the other contents. Real KEWL :clap: I am continually impressed with the "little" things that pop up and surprise me, despite having taken the manuals to read in bed several times (cover to cover). But then again, I don't think I am the only one!!!
NHPrius, If you have not found it yet, it's in the front of the console at the floor. Much deeper than I orginally thought. Maps would fit nicely.
I went out last night to look for it and found it. I can't believe I never noticed it! Today I am going to check out the glove box and see if I can find the slot for the manuals..... Any other little nooks or crannies in the Prius???? I use the hidden compartment under the trunk area to store my windshield scraper, swiffer duster refills and wiper fluid. It is all handy if I need it but out of the way. (I keep a swiffer duster in my glove compartment to sweep over my dash every day to keep it dust free.)
There's an eyeglass storage in the overhead console. Anyone know what the slot in the console is for that is on the wall where the outlet is?