One more quick follow-up... I turned wi-fi and push off, and now I can make calls with no problem. Sound is great and it connects beautifully with no air-horn blasts or weird fax noises. But the handsfree will not answer the phone. I have to answer the phone manually and then switch it over to the handsfree, and then everything is hunky dory. Anyone else having this issue?
I don't know what the SDK is, but when I looked it up it didn't look like it would be something that would help me get my contacts from my iphone to my car. Anyone ever successfully transfer contacts from the 3G to the Prius?
Downloaded 2.0 over the weekend. The Iphone continues to operate flawlessly, (except for no ability to transfer phone book). Apple is, apparently, listening, because some of my pet peeves about the phone, like having to delete emails one at a time were addressed. I had used Ziphone to hack the phone so I could download applications, but there are so many now available from the app store, that feature is hardly needed. I'm just waiting for 2.0 "unlock". Turning on an Iphone overseas with the ATT SIM in it can be hazardous to your wallet. One problem I have had is due to my absentmindedness. I keep the phone in my pocket, along with sundry other crap (phone in right pocket, key in left pocket). Fairly often I forget to pick up the phone from the kitchen counter. When I get into the car, it pairs from 15 feet away, leading me to believe that the phone is in my pocket. Of course, as soon as I drive off, the connection breaks. The problem is that the display doesn't say anything for about a minute. I have to turn around and go back for the phone.
There is no means to transfer an iPhone contact list to the Prius - Apple have hobbled the BT implementation in the iPhone such that while the Prius is theoretically capable of accepting the data from it, the iPhone cannot send the data. You will either have to enter it manually, or use a different BT phone with your contact data in it.
I had a similar problem with my Verizon / Motorola phone (which also does not support the necessary Bluetooth protocol). As a workaround, I initiated the phone book transfer from the phone; then, using my Mac Powerbook's Bluetooth, I sent the contacts to the Prius. They all went over in a burst. It turns out that one can sync between my phone and the PB, so all 3 were sync'd. But I have not done this in 9 months so I can't recall how finicky the timing was. Maybe this'll work for the iPhone. I sure hope so, since I plan to buy one ...
Since I posted my problem, oh, about a page back, that my Prius answers the phone for me automatically, nobody else has chmed in on that. Am I the only person this is happening to?
I have a Prius 2006 too, and both my iphone and 3g works just fine receiving calls from bluetooth (doesn't answer phone automatically)
Has anyone noticed diminished voice quality when the navigation system is in use? I've had complaints every single time I'm using the nav that people can't hear me. Once I turn off the nav, it improves.
I'm going to try this with my PowerBook. It is a G4 and didn't come with bluetooth but I bought a USB to bluetooth "card" which I connect a bluetooth keyboard and mouse with. It'll be interesting if this works.
So how's it going with the iPhone app to sync contacts with the Prius? Any luck? Have you gotten "approved" yet by Apple?
Unfortunately, due to limitations in the developer's kit, this is not technically possible at this time. The kit does not allow low enough level access to the bluetooth hardware. I tried.
Hey folks - new info on iPhone 3G compatibility with the Dice Silverline!
I just went to the Apple store yesterday and the "genius" couldn't find anything in the knowledge base, so I am not sure Apple is aware of this problem. It is almost December, I've upgraded to v2.2 and the delay in connecting outgoing calls is still very much there.
Sadly I read the SDK searching for a way to do this and apple does not allow developers access to the bluetooth features.
This should be technically feasible. However it's going to be a hack. I was able to pair with both the toyota nav and my Tundra's Pioneer. But when I tried to push an address, my powerbook said "service not available". As of right now, I think the hack needs to be either a stand alone program on the osx laptop or a plugin for isync. If anyone has any further ideas on this or experience with apple bluetooth on the powerbooks, please post or email me. There is a way to do this via widows and it's published elsewhere on this site.