I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving, I'm just wondering if anyone is going to be out shopping in the morning I don't call it "Black" friday because I feel it's a little racist and I don't like carrying on such stupid racial terms, oh, and just because people like to save money doesn't make them black either, it's just really stupid overall. Anyways, there seems to be some really good deals out there and I'm wondering where everyone will be spending the money they saved not having to by as much gas as everyone else!
No, never. The $$ saved is not worth the lost sleep or threat to my sanity in dealing with idiotic crowds.
Haha - I love people, so it's ok with me to be with a ton of them. I just like running around seeing all the crazy deals places have. I'm also happy cause it's a reason to drive my new car around
I don't normally do the Friday shopping thing, but Staples has a router on sale tomorrow morning that we really need... ours is slowly dying. It's worth it to drag my bloated, overfed butt out of bed at 6am for that... really... that's what I'm telling myself.
I have read that the "black" in Black Friday is referring to the retailers having such a good day that they finally make it into the black for the year, as in making a profit. Nothing to do with race that I know of...as for me, I avoid the big shopping crowds like the plague. Rather do it online or through the week when the crowd is thin.
Curious things, these cultural traditions. You have Black Friday, we have Boxing Day. Both aptly named shopping days.
no money to spare, so no shopping. plus, i have work to do tomorrow. "black" friday comes from retailers breaking into profit for the year, as was already mentioned. this is opposed to being in the red, nothing to do with anything but money.
I think the term "Black Friday" is also relatively recent - becoming widespread only with the past 3 or 4 years. I don't remember hearing it before but I'm not so tuned into these kinds of things. I plan on sticking around home or walking over to my mom's perhaps and maybe doing some reading or puzzling in a cafe (around here that unfortunately means Starbucks or Petes). No malls though. I made that mistake one year. Never again. I'm fortunate in that I live within walking distance of four shopping/business districts. My Prius can have the weekend off.
The wife dragged herself out of bed drawn by the siren song of the Cricut (pron. cricket) that was on sale at Michael's. She is a pretty avid scrapbooker and it's a good price and getting there early got her one along with some of the cartriges that go with it that are normally really pricy. That led her to the on-sale gas at Wal-mart, which led her into Wal-mart...where she found a Blu-Ray player for $130...that beats the $157 I paid a week ago. Now we've got one for the lake house! Oh, and we got Borat w/ a T-shirt for $2, just like Christmas!
i have not read every single thread, but i have not seen any recent threads asking how long people can keep the prius in accessory/on/ready mode in walmart parking lots, so i am assuming they used the search feature
Wikipedia suggest that the term Black Friday can be traced back to the 60's. I remember it being used since the 80's. Nope. I'm not leaving the house today except to go to work, lunch, and then back home. We are not gift-centric in our household, so the amount of things we give is small. We try to make up for it in thoughtfulness and maybe a little more $ per unit. It's just crazy to be a part of the mob. Plus, I'm averse to crowds.
The wife scraps. We used to do the Friday after thing until the kids got unpredictable. Not to mention It's cold up here, the lines can be hundreds of people long for just one item, then you get the crowd (50 or so) that sit in the cars and rush the door when it opens and the pushing and shoving starts. Not worth it. Not to mention the good old bait and switch.
My first time shopping on Black Friday at 10:30 am. I met my neighbors at the elevator on the way out. They went out at 4 am and were frazzled shopping in the suburban malls. I went to a local Best Buy and picked up the Sony Blue Ray player that was reduced $100.00. There were plenty of Blu Rays on sale. The store was busy but not a mad house. The lady at the counter said there were a line of people 2 blocks long waiting outside at 5 am. The sales people were passing out credit card applications to many of the customers. They had some limited supply gaming electronics with Casino Royale that sold out early.
My wife and mother-in-law went shopping today. They found things they were already looking for at prices lower than preiously identified so they bought them. Plus they seem to have picked up a couple additional things. My father-in-law and I went to a sports bar and watched football.
The Arkansas / LSU game was great. The day after Thanksgiving is college football nirvana. Too bad the car commercials from the Big 3 reflect their intelligence. I tried to escape my household chores since this was somewhat a holiday but I guess I'm going to have to do a better job of hiding out.
Nope. Never. I make it a policy never to enter a mall from day before Thanksgiving to day after New Year's. I did order some stuff online today. For me, not for presents. Took advantage of some of the sales online. Free shipping too.
I just bought a 4.5hp 14 gallon Shop Vac at Lowe's for $29.99. Thats it, and this was at 1PM. I slept in until 11AM, went to Lowe's at 1, got home around 1:30.....went in my room, started my paper and homework for next week, finished it at 6, went to my old high schools' playoff game, and now getting ready for sleep.....much more relaxing than waiting outside in the 50 degree weather with occasional rain just to save a few bucks