This thing is so fun to drive, and seeing high MPG makes it even better. Figured out the best places to stealth and to creep along and regenerate on the slow downhill rides and such yesterday, and put it better use on my 20 minute drive to work today. Temps this AM were about 40F, maybe a bit chillier (low was 37F). My 4 bars on the graph for the 20 minutes were 25, 50, 75, and 50, plus or minus a MPG or two. The way home, temps were 72F, same route in reverse (but it's a slow run uphill going away from the city, which is on the riverfront) I pulled down 30-something,60,90+ (1 long 35 MPH stretch),60+, so that'd put me right in the magic 61 MPG range. Note the car hadn't been driven in 9 hours, and had been parked in a nice shady garage at work. LOTS of low and slow, as nothing between me and work is above a 35MPH zone, so even tho I 'speed' along with traffic at 40, I'm still on generator a lot of the time; I do have enough engine time to keep the system only 1 bar under full blue almost the entire time. The gauge still reads 3 boxes of fuel, I'm over 350 Miles into this tank, and the vast majority of that was on the interstate the day I got it coming home at 70MPH. Tank (and thus lifetime) average is still over 48MPG. Whee!
welcome to the forum and congrats on your Prius!! i love your terminology when you say "the gauge still reads 3 boxes of fuel" keep in mind that in less than a month most areas will be switching over to summer formula gas. it will give you an 8-14% increase in gas mileage, so it will get better
Yeah, the first time I saw a gas guage with boxes on it years back, I thought of the boxes of wine, and it's just been an ongoing joke with friends and family for years. Now I own one that has it, and can't resist the tradition. Besides, I'm a SciFi nut, so the concept of boxes of fuel isn't inherently bothersome
Broke down and filled it up today; I know I had plenty left in it, but I don't want to be on the side of the road. Car has 429 miles all on this first tank, and I put ~8.8 gallons in it (stopped as soon as it cutoff, and then rolled it about 8-10 cents to hit a nice round money number. Gas is $2.21/gallon. The Display was 48.5 for 416 miles (I reset the tank numbers when I got it, but the 13 miles already on the car had been on the same tank of gas). My numbers come out to 48.75, so that's frighteningly close. Even if they had topped it off, which I don't think they did as they said "It's been driven on that tank, but not much", the diff would mean my milage was 47.3. Hee. I'm glad to know I can go 430 miles on it, and still have 2-3 gallons in it, considering this should improve if I can drive like I just did this week or better and as the car breaks in. Yay!
5 points to the NooB! Nice story. If you are geeky enough, I encourage you to create a website dedicated to your Prius Mileage, for all to see. It might even look something like this!
Darn. Can't make it look like that. Already started it like this: Good enough for gummint work, as they say!