With recent changes in my personal & professional life, I can't find enough hours in the day to do everything I want to with the site recently. One of the main drainers of my time is the technical aspect of PriusChat - server upkeep, programming issues like the ?highlight= problem, etc. It's a large drain because I'm always having to learn as I go along, and while I'm a quick learner, I figured why go down a time-consuming, treacherous path when there might be another PriusChat user who has been down it before and made it out unscathed. So basically I'm looking to "hire" (hire in quotes because there's no money involved, but I can give you lots and lots of points ) someone who has experience with the following: There is not much work to be done, just a little here and there, but it would certainly help me a great deal to have this monkey off my back. If you would like to help with one aspect but have no idea how to help with the others, please let me know because we can split things up among a few people. I can offer free web hosting and I'll even throw in a PriusChat T-Shirt when they are made next month. Please respond here in this thread or email me.
I'd offer if I could but you're speaking Greek to me. Not to mention that my wife thinks I spend too much time "Priuschatting" as it is. Sorry man.
I work as an ASP programmer, though I have done a little PHP. Same concepts, different syntax. I don't have a load of free time, but would be willing to try to help.
Well, if you need hired-gun help, I'd be willing to take a stab at the highlight problem. I don't think I'd be able to devote enough time to being a permanent site admin, but I'm a pretty fine troubleshooter Dave
I'm a web developer who likes to learn new tricks. My current experience is all Java, JSP, JavaScript, CSS and HTML. But I do have Putty and can plug in settings with the best of them. If you don't mind alittle "knowledge transfer" I could help.
I wish I knew Linux, but I am very novice at it. If it were Novell or even Windows, I could help there. I would be willing to maintain the acronyms. Too many complain that we don't define them within posts. We can't write MFD (Multi-Function Display) every post or even every topic.
I appreciate all of the offers, everyone. I will contact you all individually if/when I need assistance. Thanks!
I'd be glad to lend a hand as well. I've done web work with php and also have alot of experience with SQL and databases.