Date Ordered:11/29/03 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Motorcars, Cleveland, OH Timeframe given for delivery: Feb.-Mar.????? Color: Green Option Package: #7 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: ???????????????????????
Hi! Talked to the dealer today. He said that for the 4 state dealer region they get 60 cars per month. He also said that he had to send my name, deposit, and the buyer order to the regional headquarters to secure the car. His statement is that this is to ensure that there are no dealers making up orders just to get cars. My number is 13th.
Talked to the dealer March 5. Said they have an allocation for our Prius this month and that we should see it next month, April.
Well.....the Key Fob came today! Thank goodness that they have sent my name in. I was getting worried. Am I the only person in the "Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky" region that has posted??
Tom, I have my Prius on order from Classic Toyota on the East side. The wait is getting old. I put my order in about a month ago, perhaps a little longer. I think there are only 2 BC packages in front of me. There may be more with other packages, anyway. I hope to get the car soon. I am having hip surgery in about a month, and would love to have the car during my recooperation! I will have what will seem to be all the time in the world to play!
We recently had a gathering at Bob Evans in Montrose for local Prius owners. We'll post here and on the Yahoo site for the next one, probably this summer. You are not alone in the Northeast Ohio area. I have seen three in Barberton. Linda
We recently had a gathering at Bob Evans in Montrose for local Prius owners. We'll post here and on the Yahoo site for the next one, probably this summer. You are not alone in the Northeast Ohio area. I have seen three in Barberton. Linda
THANKS for the replys. The salesperson says today that we are in the recent allocation. The 3/18 report does not say when the ETA will be. Our salesperson will check Monday. Linda, when is yours coming, or do you have it already?
Call from salesperson today says: Car is in Chicago terminal 3/25 and will arrive at the dealership________?
Hope your car comes soon, Tom. We'll be passing through next weekend on our way to Columbus and I have yet to see a new Prius 'in the wild' in all our travels through Cleveland and Columbus (kids live out there now - no jobs in PA). My son wants me to show my car to his boss, since he is very interested but is having a hard time finding one to look at in Columbus.
I got a call Saturday from our salrsperson, says car is "on the ground", and we might see it Tuesday or Wednesday.
Congratulations Tom! You will never be able to look at cars in the same way after you get your Prius. Enjoy the feeling!