it's thanksgiving here in america, and though times are tough we all have reasons to be thankful. here are some of ours: -we have each other, even if only a few days a month -all our needs are met, and even a couple of wants -the longest stretch of living apart ended with thanksgiving break (4 months down- 2 stretches totaling 10 weeks remaining) -our friends serving overseas are doing well (but could use some cheering up this time of year) -being able to get by enough in the present to spend our energy on making our future better -our last thanksgiving in this city, if we can help it what are you thankful for this year?
All of my family are alive and in good health. Same with the pets, who are family too. I have a good job that I enjoy that provides me with a steady income to live modestly. I have healthcare and a pension for when I finally retire. I own my own home (me and the bank) and the car is paid off. My neighborhood is safer than when I first bought my home. The weather is nice, no matter how "bad" it is.
I am thankful we have hope for our country with a new administration. I am thankful for the people speaking up and not being bullied by by the Christian right and their idealistic dogma while decent people suffered as a result. I am thankful that while we are in a financial crisis that the country understands what bu**sh*t we have been fed about trickle down theories have been exposed by the banking bailouts and total lack of ethics of the CEO's. There are a lot of personal things for my family and myself I am thankful for as well. I am thankful and hopeful for a country I love and defended but one I haven't believed in for the past eight years.
Very simply the friends and family who provided so much support, compassion, and encouragement over the last couple of very difficult years.
I'm thankful that I'm married to my Dear Hubby, and that our whole family is basically healthy, safe, and employed. Last we heard, our son in Iraq is also safe and well.
Some things I'm thankful for: - My family and my friends - My health (could be better but that's just me needing to be more disciplined about getting to the gym and easing up on the chocolate). - Living in a walkable area near public transportation. - Living in the Bay Area - despite the high cost of living and the crowds, this really is a great place to live. - My continued employment for now. - Armadillos. Because really - who wouldn't be thankful for these little guys?