I've attached the install page for the idatalink module. There are several wires that are cut, plus a number of wires that must be spliced. I suppose you could make patch wires that could be cut/spliced. You'd need connectors on both ends that attach to the normal devices. Sounds like an extended project with the parts guy at your dealer.
There will of course be a trace that the wiring has been tampered with if you take one out. However, refer to the magusson-moss act regarding aftermarket products and factory warranty. If it is installed properly and the remote starter is not defective, it will not void the warranty.
I know it won't void the warranty. I'm just not interested in arguing with a dealer and taking the necessary legal steps to force him to perform the work under the warranty, if he refuses to perform the service. Thanks for the info
I have done a remote starters on a bunch of Priuses now. Anyone in Massachusetts interested, let me know. Anyone with questions let me know as well. Dave
I have a few questions. I'm currently installing an Autopage C3-RS-622 with the ADS-TBSL-KO in my '05. I am having trouble getting the remote starter into programming mode. (turn ignition on/off 3 times, leave off, then push the valet switch 'x' times and hold). Do I have to have the key fob inserted (SKS) or SKS off to do this? Should I be going into 'ready' mode or 'on' mode? Also, the 2 fused (heavy gauge) wires that normally hook to a conventional ign switch to supply current for the yellow ign wire, do these need to be constant or switched in a Prius install? Any help would be appreciated. I'm sure I will have more questions... Thanx!
I am not too familiar with the wiring colors or programming instructions of the autopage unit. However, you need to have the fob inserted in the keyport. Also make sure you have all the diodes in the correct direction. The autopage unit must see ignition in to enter a programming mode. The fuses wires need to go constant. I used the large gauge white wire that is behind the metal plate to the left of the steering wheel.
Thanks for the info and this thread. If I hadn't read the posts here I would still be waiting on Toyota to offer their R/S solution. However...I finally got it working! I had to take the module out of 'idatalink mode' and it communicates fine now. Also my 12v battery is going weak and wasn't supplying enough voltage to the remote starter ignition wire to intiate programming. I can now add this mod to my bag o' tricks and enjoy a toasty warm car in this frigid weather!!!
Code Alarm has 2 different modules that work with the Prius. Install is as easy as any other vehicle. DEI does not have a solution that does not require a "work around".
Can a remote start be setup to work with the factory Smart Key System? (i.e. press unlock 3x) This would allow me to maintain the standard Smart Key functionality when walking up to the car, but also allow on those cold (or ultra hot in my case) days where I can start the car (and A/C) while leaving a store and allow the car to begin cooling down. Another question I have would be activating seat heaters as well. I have a set of aftermarket seat heaters with a high-low toggle switch. It would be truly ideal to have the seat heater switch or added relay activate when the cabin temp is below XX degrees. This would be a great comfort feature as there is nothing worse than getting into a car to get out of the cold, only to sit on cold leather seats.
I try to install my today but when they try to do the program for the module they didn’t work I don’t know if they need the original remote inside the slot or outside because my original remote doesn’t had the transponder chip
Clicked on the link for the idatalink but it said couldn't find the page. Anyway where is the best place to find both pieces to make the system work on line? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.