I'm still debating at the moment, but I am || <-- THIS close to buying a Prius. In my area (Erie, PA) there is barely any wait (since I want a particular colour, might be up to a month) but everyone is charging MSRP. The only thing keeping me from making the leap is the price tag, but browsing through these forums makes me feel that I won't regret the purchase once it's made. So here's what I'm thinking - '05, Black Exterior, Grey interior with package number 6. I'm really having a hard time justifying the extra 3 grand for the NAV package, but I also need the safety features of the #4 and I really want the stereo and added features of #5. I only wish I could add the GPS in later without the need for external mods. Oh well - it's my first new car, I guess I need to splurge a little. My one question, has anyone picked up the NAV system and regretted it? I know I won't need it around my home town, but with my horrible sense of direction, i'm betting it will come in handy more than I think. Now I just need to get loans squared away. The thing that bugs me is my credit union is quoting me a good interest rate, but also telling me that there will be a promotion in may - now that I'm hooked, I don't think I can wait that long knowing that I can probably have one in a week if I say "go" to my dealer now. Hehe... This site is a blessing and a curse, thanks for all of the info - even if I do hate you for getting me hooked before the key (or fob) is in my hand -Brint Future Prius Geek Erie, PA
I didn't want the nav at first.. but i knew there was no way to get it integrated later. My g/f at the time.. currently ex.. convinced me. I love her lots for convincing me to get it fully loaded. she's a smart woman. I love the car as is. I've never regreted having the nav. It's helped me on many occasions: personal and work related. Between her input and my research it was too easy to get it fully loaded. a car i can start a family in down the road. A car i can have for a long time with a much smaller maintenance cost down the road.
you may find that MSRP is a good value. there are a lot of USED Priuses around the country selling at over the new price. you may find a tough time finding an unbiased opinion here... but i can try... it WILL BE the best thing you have ever done in your life!! ok didnt work... but i tried.
lol... nice lol What can i say.. us here on Priuschat are Prius pushers... go ahead.. try it.. just once... it won't hurt.. it will make you feel good. It's good for you.. go ahead... give it a try.. See.. it's a more of a drug feel free to get addicted lol
Welcome aboard!! Personally, I went with the NAV package and haven't regretted it one bit. Sure, it can mess up sometimes, but all GPS systems have that problem, seeing as the city, county, state, and federal government is constantly changing the layout of the roads around us. That being said, I feel the NAV system is paid for itself the first time you need to use it, and then some. If the NAV system saves you from being late an hour to an appointment, dinner, interview, whatever - or, if it saves you just once from an argument with your sig. other regarding how to get somewhere, it's worth it. The first time I needed it, it saved me both time and avoiding an argument about my known lack of direction ability. Definately has been worth it in my book! -m.
I don't have the NAV in my Pri. Cool as it may be!I do however have a portable GPS with mapping that I take with me if I'm going into uncharted waters, which is not very often. Whatever you decide, you will love the car, with or without NAV.
Get the nav. If you are as directionally challenged as I am, it is worth it. I used to have it in my old car, and it wasn't available as an option in my new one and it was sorely missed. Once you have it, it's difficult not to have it. Jeez, I'm sounding like a junkie. That was one of the first options I checked when I was looking into the Prius. However, because of it, I have a couple more months to wait for it. Nav has not only saved me with appointments, sig. others, but has actually saved my butt. I'll skip the finer points as I might offend someone, but I wound up in a bad part of Chicago and it got me the hell out of there before anything bad happened. Not to mention, it has helped me find nice back routes thus avoiding morning congestion and made it easier to get to work. It actually can cut stress down, too. Oh yeah, the integrated phone bit is cool. So, go for the double addiction - Prius with Nav!
Okay... I'm hooked. Calling the bank tomorrow to get my loan approval followed by the dealer to see if the one I want is still available. If it is, I should have it in about a week, if not I may have to wait a month or so. If you're in the northwest PA area, i'll wave when I see ya! -Brint
I settled for the package 5 because the dealer had that on the lot and I couldn't wait to own a Prius. I love my car but now I wish I had the NAV system and Bluetooth Technology. I wonder if I can get it as a mod, anybody know?
Not the OEM, too many things to deal with. Need new MFD (more buttons), optionally new steering wheel control pad, new harness, new NAV ECU, GPS antenna, microphone in overhead console. Wiring harness would need to tap into the driver door speaker, tap into speed sensor, tap into reverse indicator, tap into AVC network, tap into mute control on header or amp, send RGBS to the MFD, connect to the overhead mics through the MFD, power inputs, etc. Better to get a Garmin or a PDA.