It plans to sell only 10,000 Volts in the car’s first year, or less than the number Prius cars sold by Toyota in October alone. And the Volt, roughly the size of a small family sedan, will cost around $15,000 more than a Prius.
Why do I think we're all going to be talking someday about how GM killed the electric car .................. TWICE! Wipe out the entire management team, and start a new. Sadly, that is really the only long-term hope for all the domestic autos. ... Brad
Not "saving GM." Saving the whole American car industry. That's a lot of people. They need a new game plan.
The trailer for the new Star Trek movie shows young Kirk driving a Corvette. Should I take that to mean that in the 23rd century, the Chevy Volt is still a non-working prototype?
When I saw that trailer, I thought, " ... my god, how'd GM miss another golden oportunity to pitch the Volt ... will this company ever stop being an example of their own folly?". I still hope the car makes it into production. From history we find that when failing companies go under, better ones buy up what ever good parts there may be that remain. Does it matter if the line worker's paycheck says GM or Toyota? It's a shame that this is what it may take to remove their corporate dead wood.
I agree! They must do something and step-up to save not just the GM, but the other US auto makers as well.