Saw one of them hybrid Tahoes too. The ride looks cool in my opinion, plus it's a hybrid too! Totally awesome! :rockon:
I finally saw another monstrosity Tahoe hybrid a few weeks ago on the highway. One can't miss those w/all those huge hybrid decals. GM hybrids sure aren't catching Northern California on fire.
The RNC was the only time I've ever any... and about 40 all at once is a scary sight. Two-Mode is going no where. GM wants to make it more powerful and still has no intent of offering a FULL hybrid to compete with the Camry or Fusion hybrids. .
I saw a green Saturn Vue hybrid in the past few weeks. It's the first and only I've seen in WA. Apparently, I posted that I saw one in 10/2008, but I was living in CA at that time.
I believe I saw my first monstrosity sized SUV hybrid (black Tahoe hybrid) in WA state today. Sigh... at least it wasn't being driven solo. My previous sightings were in CA. What is it with Washingtonians and monstrosity class SUVs this weekend? It seems the percentage is generally pretty low here (compared to south San Jose, CA) but I saw a bunch this weekend in addition to 2 or 3 Hummer H2s on Saturday alone.
I've seen a few hybrid tahoes here where I live. They're all the new body style 2007-current). However, in the movie "Furry Vengeance" Brendan Fraser's character drives a Tahoe hybrid but in the older body style (2000-2006). According to Kelly Blue Book both the Tahoe and the Yukon Hybrids are only available in MY 2008 or newer. Could Brendan Fraser's character's driving an old Tahoe Hybrid concept car just for the movie? Or could the movie maker's too cheap to get a real Tahoe Hybrid and just autowrapped a regular Tahoe? In some scenes, the hybrid logos look pretty authentic.
I finally spotted a Malibu "Hybrid" a few weeks ago. It was parked at my work and I think is the first I've ever seen on the road or parked anywhere.
I'm on vacation in the East Coast and spotted a Tahoe Hybrid in Philadelphia today. It was sitting stopped at street corner w/hazards lights on and ICE running.
The only hybrid I've ever seen on the road is the Prius. There just aren't enough of the others--yet. We have an Insight in the garage, but that's the only one I've seen. Even the Ford Escape hybrid isn't visible, much less the Fusion. The hybrid market right now is dead in the water, and will stay that way until gas prices get to $4 again or the govt passes a carbon reduction bill. The odds are much higher for $4 gas.
I guess it really varies a lot by region. In CA, as you could imagine, Priuses are plenitful. I've seen a few TCHs and some NAHs there. I was just in NYC and saw quite a few FEHs and NAHs as taxis (I've known about them being used as taxis there for awhile.) What surprised me is I saw a couple 3rd gen Priuses as taxis in NYC. I didn't know about that. I live in WA state Priuses are reasonably common but there are a surprising # of 2nd gen Insights running around. TCHs aren't that common and FFH's are very rare. NAHs are very rare since they're not really sold in WA (a few dealers seem to do it). I was surprised that I've seen at least 2 unique NAHs in WA, possibly more. GM hybrids? Err.... sightings are VERY rare and it's not surprising due to poor sales of all of them.
I saw a Chevy SUV of some sort with 2 mode Hybrid nameplates on it at Trunk or Treat this week. It had the Tower of Babel in it.
I saw a Yukon Denali hybrid at a stoplight today. This is probably my 2nd sighting ever of one of GM's full-sized monstrosities in WA other than one at a Chevy Volt event, being used by the crew.
I finally saw an Aura hybrid on the road today. I think this is my first ever for the two states I've lived in: CA and WA.
Saw a white Tahoe hybrid pulling out of a 7-Eleven today. It didn't have the obnoxious HYBRID stickers on the sides. I think this is my 3rd sighting in WA ever of a GM two-mode hybrid.
Woah. I spotted another white GM two-mode monstrosity today. It was another white Yukon/Tahoe hybrid but this one had the HUGE HYBRID sticker along the bottom of the doors.