Used BT Stiiffening plate & Smart Key Want to sell a slightly (in excellent condition) used BT stiffening plate with 6mm Hex Socket. (in original box with instructions) $125. I'll ship. PM me I also have a smart key (my car was totaled) for a 2005 Prius. Apparently, you must have a 2004 or 2005 for it to work. It has been used obviously, but is in fine working order and if you need one you can have dealer reprogram for about $50. Also $125. Shipping on me.
Really crummy economy Boy, once upon a time not to long ago, this plate would have flown out the door for only $125 delivered with the hex nut. Kind of scary in a micro way. In any event, both items are still available. You know the plate is great, big savings on a great product.
SCAM, It's strange how we like to believe that all Prius owners and Chatters are honorable people, but of course scammers exist everywhere on the internet. While trying to sell the Stiffening plate I came across someone I believe is a scammer. sun4i posted a paypal payment, but when I wanted to wait for clearance of the payment to ship he summarily without a word, cancelled the payment. Classic interent scam technique. Very disappointing behavior from one of us. Oh well live and learn. The plate is still up for grabs. Same deal offered. $110 and I pay shipping. This includes the hex tool. Danny, I've been around since we were like 50 people back in 2003 (prior to both you or I even having our prius), sun4i joined 10/21/08 and immediately tries a scam. Is there any way to stop this kind of behavior?
sorry to hear about the attempted bait and take, but there is no way to pre-screen anyone here... simply not gonna happen. only can be diligent monitoring the activities and relying on prompt accurate feedback from members here.
Not a Scam, My apologies Apparently sun4i had a problem with paypal and did not let me know. Being a NYer, I assumed the worst. Who could blame me, a cancelled paypal payment with no word. Oh well, to all those showing support and interest in buying, my thanks. To sun4i, my apologies and if and when the paypal clears I will ship ASAP.
No worries. I don't know why but I NEVER carefully read instructions and always end up doing things the hard way. I have no idea what happen with paypal in this case but they sent me an email saying " There was a bank processsing error." Hopefully it clears this time. Rest assure that I am not a scammer because I simply wouldn't know how to.
To all who showed interest, my thanks. To Sun4i, I am curious if you are satisfied with plate as to packing, condition, etc. Have you installed as yet, if so do you like it?