Maybe the OP was only fishing for negative stuff, it seems to be his way. What difference does the speed of travel make after all, isn't the difference between the speed limit and actual speed what the ticket is issued for? Isn't a ticket for 60 in a 55 zone less serious than a ticket for 60 in a 15 or 20 zone past road works?
Maybe a handful of tickets in my 30+ years of driving, only one for speeding. Was going about 60 in a 35, but it was a VERY steep hill and I was on the downside. I honestly didn't know my little VW bug could fly that fast. Got a very stern lecture from an avuncular police officer, pleaded guilty in court, took the traffic safety course and got a reduced fine.
No, I'm saying you appear to me from my limited exposure to you to be a very negative person, very much not like a Prius owner.
Hi All, I have gotten one speeding ticket in 35 years of driving. I was in a relatives car going out to pick up parts for my Opel Manta. The Opel speedometer was about 10 mph slow at 40 mph. I know about this, as I had made a calibration chart for the speedometer in the Opel for Time-Speed-Distance road rallyes. I forgot about this in the relatives car, and got caught doing about 50 on a 4 lane 40 mph road, without any other cars nearby. So, it was simple for the police officer to be sure his radar was timing my car only. The relatives car was somewhat bigger than the Manta, so it appeared to me I was going the normal speed, i would percieve in the Manta, even though it was 10 mph faster. I saw him point the radar at me, and double checked my speed, and then realized the error. Oh S..T! I just plead guilt and paid the fine.
My number of speeding tickets per year seems to be inversely proportional to my age. When I started driving I used to get them all the time. On your poll, I figured I'd just list the fastest of them. It was in a Dodge Intrepid. On the other hand it has been at least a half-decade since I last got a ticket, and if I ever get one in my Prius, it'll probably be for driving too slow. I've also gotten speeding tickets in a Ford Maverick, Chevy Nova, Chevy Cavalier, Plymouth Sundance, Kia Sportage, Mercury Cougar, and Kia Rio. I can't remember if there were any other vehicles, there might have been one or two.
My moving violations are as follows: 70 in a 55 (No ticket, written warning) 73 in a 55 (91 Chevy Cavalier Wagon) 60 in a 15 (87 GMC S-15) 40 in a 35 (91 Chevy Cavalier Wagon) out of date tags (82 Kawasaki KZ440) 35 in a 30 (91 Chevy Cavalier Wagon) 72 in a 55 (91 Yamaha FJ1200)
two thus far... 1st one was when i was 18 and it was 72 in a 45 in a 1994 Nissan Pathfinder. 2nd one was two years ago, 73 in a 70 in a 2000 Chevy Malibu. Still mad about this one...
Only two, first was 43 in a 35 zone, very late at night after a pre-bucks night, and after driving the groom home. Could well have gone for DUI but a couple of hoons went past screaming abuse, so he quickly gave me the ticket and went after them. Second time was over 20 years ago courtesy of a country cop in South Aust. Coming in off an unrestricted limit down to a 60kph zone, following another car, and we both eased off at the sign, but still doing over the limit when we went around the corner and over the amphometer (pre radar speed checking device). It could only record the last car over it, and that was me. Only a $35 fine and no points off my licence as I was interstate. Never been caught since.
How about our honorary Prius speeders Al Gore III and Steve Wozniak? They both got nailed for doing about 105 mph. Most people didn't think a Prius could go that fast...
The only speeding ticket I got was back in '96. I was coming home from rehearsal for a community theater show I was in and got busted for doing 50 in a 35. I almost got nailed a few years ago for doing 40 in a 25. But the cop let me off with a warning (I was on my way to a doctor appointment).
In my 1st couple of years driving, I could hardly keep track of all the tickets. Somehow, I remember the cars more than each ticket. My last & very memorable ticket was in 1994 -- on a lonely 4-lane state highway in northern Florida, in a 'pocket rocket' Honda Civic CSi. Altho I'd been at 85 in a 55, a speed trap caught me as I slowed to 60 in a 45. This occured just as I was passing thru the town of Starke, FL, home of "Old Sparky," the electric chair. I wondered who'd be tougher, a 'hangin judge' or the 'electric judge.' ?
I received a citation, with photographs, from an off ramp on US-50 in Sacramento CA this spring. I had rolled over the limit line and it is assumed you ran the red light (apparently a common occurrence on Sacramento off ramps). I attended traffic school (8 hours) to eliminate the ticket from my record. Most drivers were there for speeding. All were surprised to learn that a bicycle is a vehicle with all the same rights and responsibilities as any other vehicle, unless posted (as on a major highway).
ticket for 53 in a 30, warning for 80 in a 55, and a ticket for 74 in a 35. First car was a '99 Lumina, my moms, the next was my 1996 BMW 3 series convertible, and the last was my 1997 BMW 540i 6-speed sport.
Yeah. My dad once got a ticket for running a stop sign on his bicycle. He didn't even speed through the intersection; he glided through it very cautiously, but he didn't actually come to a complete stop. He ended up going to traffic school for it, since no one could give him a straight answer about whether it would go on his record.
Yes I have, It was in my prius very close to being new. I was in southern california in Corona driving down a parallel street to the 91 freeway. Three lanes became two and the usual there was a car way to close to me. I gave a little gas to merge in front of the car next to me and of course the cops were hiding down a side street. He was not interested in hearing any stories so he gave me a ticket for going 60 in a 45 mile zone. I think with all the extra charges the ticket was about $200 (seems to be a standard number these days). Ever since I moved to northern california I feel a little less in a hurry and have been driving slower (better gas mileage and no tickets).