My wife just came back from a trip where she said she tried to "top-off" the gas tank because it didn't take as much gas as she thought it should to fill it up. Then when she got in the car, the speedometer was WAY OFF. By way off, I mean she was just accelerating and the speed showed over 40 - 50 MPH. It continued reading too high (by a lot) for the next two days. She told me about this today, and I'm stumped. Do the two have anything to do with each other. Either way, does anyone have any suggestions on what to do with the speedometer. I will take it in, but I would like a little information so I don't feel like I'm being ripped off when I am told "Your hoolibobber needs to be replaced and will cost you $800." We've got about 145,000 miles on it and this is the first thing we've had go wrong with it. Any suggestions on what is wrong???? Thanks
Did she by chance hit the button next to the trip meter reset that switches from km to MPH? Is it definitely showing MPH, or possibly kph?
WHEW!!! YOU ARE CORRECT!! Boy do I feel stupid for not thinking about that. I guess I should have gone out and checked when she told me the problem. I might not have noticed the km/h instead of mph, but I'd like to think I would have. Thanks guys - - that was indeed the problem.
no, things are working just fine. They didn't tell you at the dealership when you bought your car??? Of course they wouldn't, but its a nifty feature. At 145K miles the prius turns into a spaceship and its acceleration increases exponentially. ;p
Hi Lads/Ladies, Since Ireland changed to KPH back in Jan 06,this feature has been disabled on my Prius[June 06]Since we live so close to the UK and obviously Northern Ireland which still use MPH and i do drive up north a bit because i live so close, and the fact that unlike NORMAL cars with dials that have both KPH and MPH on them, Does anyone know if it's possible to restore the MPH mode? Cheers, Phil.
This exact thing happened to my wife and before I took it in, I checked here first Awesome!! Problem solved. Thank you to the website creator of the Prius Chat & to You: halpos4