I'm a Newbie, with a 2008 "Option 6." What noticable visible differences are there, to distinguish a "Base" 2008 from an "Option 6" 2008 (other than the wheels, Base has six spokes, Option 6 has seven, but that's really hard to tell when the vehicle is moving)? Same question but about distinguishing different years? Sundog105
Externally, virtually nothing except fog lights (pkg 4 and above)... (btw, if you have 7 spoke wheels you have a Touring, even Option 6 'standard' models have the 6 spoke wheels)...
u can tell a base and any other package by looking for the rear view camera u can tell a package 2 from its lock buttons 3,5, & 6 do not have any external clues that i can think of if u see fog lights then its at least a package 4, or a touring (any package) if you see a prius driving by and you stick your head out of the window you can tell the package from the number of buttons on the display screen too
backup camera, SKS buttons, fogs, HIDs (unless it's a base Touring which has HIDs as standard equipment).... so basically what the others have said so far.
Hey guys/gals, thanks for the info! I read somewhere that the rear Wing was different on some models; anyone have info on that? Also noticed that some antennas are different, but don't know how to correlate that either. Sundog105
The Touring Edition had a longer rear spoiler. The antenna is the same (unless they changed it to a sharkfin but that is not a Toyota option)
x2, so your (referring to the poster) spoiler is actually slightly larger (by less than a half inch I believe) than a base model. You really have to look closely to tell. It's easiest to tell when a touring and non-touring are parked side by side. It's almost laughable that Toyota has separate spoilers since they're so close in size.
The wing/spoiler on the Touring is maybe 2 inches longer that the Standard one. Don't know how much, if at all, it helps the aero. The length does make it much easier to break/crack the Touring spoiler/wing, especially if someone uses it as a handle to close the lift gate... a very big NO-NO.
2006 & later have side badges & clear tail lights. 2005 & earlier the top third of the tail light is dark. Color can also be a clue. Magnetic Gray is 2006-, Spectra Blue Mica is 2007-. The red changed from Salsa Red to Barcelona Red 2006-.
Sundog, the most obvious difference between a Generation 2 Touring Prius and a Generation 2 Prius are the wheels: 7 spoke with a plastic cover vs 6 spoke with a trim ring.
I did that! It didn't crack though, it creaked. Then my wife looked at me and said "Dave, we've only had the car for a week, please don't break it!" Now I use the built in leverage handle...
I am going to take possession of my Base 2009 next weekend, but I went and took a peek at it on the lot and I am pretty sure it has the longer spoiler. It also has the roof antenna... although I don't know if this is standard...? When I actually get the thing I will confirm!
You can use the Toyota emblem for leverage if you must use the outside of the car to close the hatch.
The best $16 I've ever spent on my Prius is for an L-shaped trunk handle that attaches to the rear license plate. It's made for Saab, BMW, Volvo, et al, but anyone with a rear hatch or wagon door can use it: You can buy it here (and elsewhere): SAAB Trunk Handle for BMW - Ultimate Cupholders - Cup holders for 5 Series and 7 Series BMW, Z4, Porsche Boxster / Porsche 911 996, Mercedes, Audi, Acura NSX and other fine cars. The ultimate cup holder / cupholder!
sounds good to me. I just "hit" the centre of any hood once I lower it down. I don't like dropping it from a height and letting it slam itself close.
That's why there are so many rumply hoods out there. Lower your hood to 6 to 12 inches above closure and then just drop it. No huge impact or damage will result. I've seen a lot of dented hoods and hatches from that little push to close.