Today, Saturday, my 11 year old and I had do to some Saturday-morning-errands--which included a stop at the bank. As we left the bank and were walking up to the Prius, I reached out to unlock the door as I usually do--with the smart key. Nothing happened. Door didn't unlock. Ok...tried it again. Nothing. So, I tried the fob--to unlock the door. nothing. what the hell??? At this point my daughter asks, "dad, why is there a car seat in the car?" (we don't have a baby) Me, being the brain surgeon I am, I say, "Huh??" Only THEN did I realize, it's NOT OUR PRIUS!!! LOL! Same color, same car. But MINE was about 6-7 cars down in the lot. First time I've ever seen an identical Prius in a parking lot. The last few weeks, I've gotten used to being the guy with the "different" car. I just took it for granted the Silver Prius was mine. It's good to see MORE Prius out there. I'll be more careful in the future.
LOL. Ah man. I feel your pain. At the fitness center a couple weeks ago, I intentionally parked right next to another Tideland BC Prius. Partly because my wife and I thought it was fun to see two identical Prii right next to one another but also because I wanted the driver to walk towards the two cars and question whether I parked on his right or left. :-D
It's good to see more and more Prius on the road. But, it was an interesting 2-3 minutes when we stood there trying to figure why the doors wouldn't open! LOL
Ha, same here... I was coming to pick my girlfriend up from work and she came out to a Black 05, but halfway to the door realized it wasn't me. I showed up 5 min later to a confused and suprised girlfriend, and found out I have a twin in Hyde Park.
On Friday I spotted FIVE in my travels to Naperville and back. Certainly two Prius happy towns. For driving conditions in Chicago, with lots of congestion on local roads and highways and $2.50 gas... this car is made for Chicago!