I'm a fairly new Prius driver, got a new 05 just about to hit the 2k miles mark, and I'm trying to gauge the feasability of autocrossing this car. I realize the Prius is not the fastest, most responsive, most race-worthy car in the world, and I wouldn't really be doing it for competition as much as to enjoy and to learn more about driving in an alternative environment. I have read a number of the topics relating to handling, ABS, VSC, etc and basically am already resigned to the fact that I'm not going to be able to change/disable the computer control in the car. Knowing this, I would like to get feedback from people on how autocrossing this car would be or if it would even be worth it. Thanks.
I don't know anybody that has done that with a Prius,but I don't think it would hurt anything. In Autocross you run against the clock on a short course. I did it once in my MR2 and it is fun. Since you would only be driving the car hard for about a minute, it is not like you are doing round track for 50 laps :lol: so it shouldn't hurt anything. Possibly shorten tire life,but that should be it. Maybe someone else has more input.
IMHO, cars are made to be driven, period. That's why they all have 4 wheels and a steering wheel...so far. I did auto-crossing in my '77 VW Rabbit back in college and it was a blast. I would definitely do it in my Prius...now I'm gonna go find an event! The only way to find out is to do it.
Auto cross is one thing I have never done or seen for that matter. Do they handy cap the race by engine size. You could claim your 1.4 L and act dumb about MG2 and it's addition. 8)
They put me in the rear wheel drive/modified class because I had lowering springs on it, along with others that had more suspension and engine mods! Even though I didn't do well for my class,I wasn't last and had a ball. May try it again this year just for the fun of it.
I've done autocross in the parking lot. Coned tracks. the car does decent wtih stock tires. Change the tires before the race and you'll be good Remember.. Accelerate through the corners. It takes a sec for the engine to give back power. Normaly accelerate out of the corner but that start up time will have you accelerating in good timing. I just two footed it. This way i could keep power to the wheels and any extra energy charges the battery. you can hold down the gas pedal while in part (might have to be in D with the brake on) and charge the battery. As for class.. it falls under stock class. it has it's own catagory, but your scores will be posted against other small engine cars. Some cars will have modified engines.
I think there was an article out using the Prius for racing and at top speed constantly using the batteries and the gas motor. However, the batteries drained until it was just using engine which dropped the top speed down (I do not remember how low). They were on a race track.
Well.. you can cruise at 100mph and achieve 25mpg while the hybrid system works fine. 101 is about the same. I takes only a few mph more to have the system start draining the battery. or if you corner.. or go up a hill... but that's different.
I've considered doing the police test autocross in my Prius... if I do will film a video for everyone.
Sounds like a fun event to do at the proposed National Meet Anyone ever figure out how to disable VSC? Doesn't that hold you back quite a bit in a AutoX environment?
i wouldn't disable the VSC.. it helps if anything. I can go around a big 180 degree turn and have the tires peeling out the entire way. as long as you are still going where you are supposed to be and both wheels are not spinning out of control. overall (since i've done this) it helps. even more for the unexperianced. if it comes on while racing.. you raced wrong.
Hey guys... thanks a lot for all of the input. It's great to have such a wealth of information at my fingertips. I've definitely given up on any kind of mods to the VSC, etc, I am going to be driving my car normally most of the time. I think the only change in the hardware might be some racing tires if I really decide to get into it. Otherwise I think user-end modifications (my learning to drive well) will be the key if I'm going to race. Anyway, thanks again and I hope to see some of you on the pavement. If you are at a race in the Chicago area, look for a black 05 and it might be me.