I am having problems with my 2006 prius.... I was driving and all of the sudden the Master Warning light came on along with the Brake System warning light and the check engine light. I left my car and came back in 2.5 hours and turned the car on and this time the Master warning light and the check engine light came on... I am wondering if this is a malfunction just because it seems when I turn my car on the indicator lights change as to what is wrong with it. Has anyone experienced this problem? I am waiting to take it to the dealership tomorrow... If it helps my car has about 55,000 miles on it.
This sounds like a malfunction, makes good sense to visit your dealer. I'm wondering whether your inverter coolant pump has failed?
I got up this morning and used the CarMD diagnostic. Unfortunately he wasnt able to give me a solution to the code that read P0800, he said it had something to do with the emmisions valve. Although when I look up the diagnostic codes for Toyotas it tells me something completely diffrnet. We told the Service guy at Toyota the read out we got and he said that its unlikely that it would be an emmisions problem with the valve on the engine. Not sure as to what is wrong with my car all I know is this morning I got in started it up and well now the master warning light is on the check engine light and now the tire pressure light is on ... the lights are not consistent and seem to change. Anyways with what little info I have now... if you can offer some help I will be appreciative..... and keep you updated as to what they diagnose my car with and get the codes. Thanks!
I just picked my car up and wel here are the things I found out from this experience: CarMD was not able to give me a proper diagnostic read out on my car. Even the customer support called me back to tell me they were baffled at the code I was given.... so although I have read some people say that it has worked on their cars it did not work on my Hypid 2006 Prius. The code I retrieved from the dealership was P0125, looking at my Diagnostic report sheet it is in the Engine and ECT column. The service guy told me that it was a computer malfuntion and that my software needed to be updated. They were a bit puzzled as to why I received that code he said something about the engine and the power button, which I had power cyled my car a few times and found my car to start just fine and not have any problems. I do beleive with the diffrent various indicator lights comming on and off that it was a malfunction with the software and I am releived that it didnt cost us anything. I hope this helps..... thanks so much guys for your help and putting up with a girl who knows little about cars. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Thanks for providing your update. DTC P0125: Insufficient Coolant Temperature for Closed Loop Fuel Control This fault will normally occur if the engine temperature does not increase as expected once time has elapsed. Trouble areas include the cooling system, the engine temperature sensor, or the thermostat. I'm not aware that this error can be corrected by a firmware update. I'm wondering if you would mind scanning your repair invoice and posting it here (feel free to remove personal identifying info) so we can see the comments written by the service advisor.
master warning, ABS, VSC and check engine lights all came on last night as we were driving over the mountain. All at once!!! Very scarry... After reading posts here we have decided to continue on our trip and stop at the next toyota dealer on our way. We have over 100 miles until our next toyota dealer... Please let me know if anyone has had this experience before. We will check our email every chance we get @ wi-fi hot spots along our way. Thanks, Forrest
we discovered this site/forum/post last night on our road trip, when the same thing happened to our 2006 Prius. dealership replaced a recalled pump, covered the cost of tow, and sent us on our way within a few hours. thought we'd pass along the good karma to anyone who might need it! good luck
Glad to hear you got yours fixed with out any major issues. Mind If I ask the cost? Our car is working 100% now, accept for the headlight HID going out when ever they want...:rockon:
You can replace those reasonably cheaply, search ebay for Philips D2R and search here for instructions. They are about $75/pair new. Dealership MSRP is currently $175 each.
I have now had this happen twice, to my 2004, Second Generation Prius. Both times it was on a high mountain road, after going straight uphill for a considerable amount of time (Vail Pass). The first time I took it to the dealer for a full diagnostic and they could find nothing. I am hesitant to pay for that again. Can you tell me what recalled pump they replaced, so I can look into that? Thanks. AJ
It is the inverter cooling pump that was recalled. The problem with taking the car to a dealer, at least for the hybrid battery, is that it can be hard to identify a weak module unless the car has sat for a few days. A good battery can sit for months and have maybe 0.05V or less difference between the highest and lowest blocks. A bad battery will show more than 0.1V quickly, as weak module(s) will have a higher rate of self-discharge. But it can be hard to get anywhere with a dealer if there is no code saved. When you do finally have a problem, go see Eric at Adopt-A-Part in Boulder.
You definitely want the free inverter pump replacement in any case. Just make certain that they get all the air out of the system or you will see similar symptoms again.
Regarding the headlights, The Retrofit Source now offers D4S Toyota replacement bulbs by Morimoto. These are very high quality bulbs that are offered in 4300k, 5000k, and 6000k. D4S: Morimoto XenGreen - HID Bulbs from The Retrofit Source Inc *edit* not sure they will work in the non- projector housings in the Genii.