Have been thinking for a few months about getting a Prius. I have not been like Palin, asking for God to send me a sign. Nevertheless, I am walking out my condo in San Francisco this morning. Here are a couple pics of what was on the curb in front of my house. Comments and opinions please [other than it's a sign from the Lord .]
If it's a sign, you may want to move or just say NO! I thought I saw something in the pics, so I downloaded and enhanced. Digitized, and enlarged. All three have front quarter panel (am I saying that right?) damage. If this street is this bad on Prius's.....I'd not buy until the culprits have ben found.
when i was cruising down the road today, a prius joined me.. then another.. and another.. before we knew it.. there were 6 prii all cruising down the road.. a few more in the distant...
Yes, that damage is a sign of street parking in San Francisco. I was going to post a pic of the damaged areas, but did not get to it. But you can bet I noticed it. I have a garage. No way I would let my car suffer like that. Here is a pic of damage from the rear. Note the damage that did not show up in other pics, the bumper, for example. Look at the size of that dent. Sad. Note: The one in front had a zillion paint chips in the bumper from people banging into it. That is someone who has had to park on the curbs. Sidenote: These cars don't always park there. San Francisco parking is to limited that cars park whereever they can find a spot, meaning that no one has a regular spot to park. In the pictured curb there's different cars there about every three to four hours.
Boy, is this the time to buy a Prius. When gas is 2 bucks a gallon. And Dupont is 20 bucks a share. Buy Dupont, too. Well positioned to go green. A year or two from now, you'll either be richer or we'll all be in the tank. Remember when oil futures were $145 a few months ago? Now at $50. Do you really think everybody has stopped driving? No, everybody has sold their oil futures--and their stocks, and converting to Treasury Bills. My 3 month bill just auctioned for .15% interest. Massive shift to T-bills. Lots of things going on that don't get reported in the media.
I noticed the first two Prius did not curb the wheels. Obvious they were out of towners. It is the law in SF to curb the wheel whether it is on a slope or on level ground.
My first thought was "gotta go buy Oreos", but then I realized that the middle one looks more silver than white. BJJB
Must be something in the air today. Perhaps some Prius meetup we all were not invited to or something? On my walk to work this morning I saw a cluster of 6 parked in front of one house in my neighborhood. Now, we have a lot of Prii in our neighborhood (20+), but I've never seen anything like that!
And What Realale, you didn't have your camera phone with you? Yes it's a sign, buy now!! I suspect it's a sign that the people who own these cars most likely have a garage at home but they park their $500 lawn furniture in it rather than their $25,000 car. People are a funny lot. Yes Rae, I also could easy get the middle car out without bumping and no reverse camera.
They were on a level street. I was born in San Francisco and I am not aware that curbing wheels is the law when not on a hill. In fact, I have never curbed my wheels on level streets. I have never seen the "curb your wheels" signs on level streets. That rule is in the DMV handbook. I'll look it up, you got me curious.
Actually there is plenty of room for the middle car to leave, it's the camera angle that looks like there is no space. That curb has room for three cars. I have at times seen where there was a small car in the middle and when it leaves a BIG car tries to park and it can't fit. Kinda fun to watch the struggle.
THREE PRII IN A ROW................TRIPLE, TRIAD, IN THREES......................father, son and the holy ghost. better get your prius NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prius is a very sweet, soothing car. It's so smooth, so quiet, not a vibration at all at any stop light due to engine being shut off. You're heading into a good time of year for purchasing, far better than the shortages and resulting higher out the door prices of May through September this year. There are a number of different packages and options for Prius. Keep in mind if you really need to find out if Prius is for you and short test drives are just not enough, <breath>, $43 to rent a Prius for a day from a Toyota dealer is cheap. Then you can really go far and check the car out in peace and quiet. Just a thought.