What should have been a 5 minute trip tot he store for ice cream ended up with my Prius hitting a 6 point 200lb deer. Damage stands at $5000. The good news is all OEM parts and all replace, but is still a bitch to have a fairly new car with this.........
I totaled a Nissan Maxima by avoiding a deer. Darn near totaled myself. The car can be repaired and/or replaced. You can not. Glad to hear you're okay. Venison, when seasoned and prepared properly, isn't all that bad.
Deer is beyond repair......what is scary is a deer that size if it had been back about 4 feet would or could have come right through the window. I damn near pooped myself when it hit, but the car did what it was supposed to and took the impact. Careful out there folks, the deer are on the move!
I knew a guy who was complaining because one season his wife killed more deer with her car than he did with his rifle. And it wasn't just the banged up car he was complaining about. She got more deer!
too funny, all the rednecks (no offense anyone) asked, "did you keep the deer". Ah,,,,,yeah, pitch black my car is toast and I am going to drag a 200lb deer carcus imbeded with Prius parts, back to my garage to traumatize my wife and daugther. "mommy, why is daddy killing Bambi in the garage?" :deadhorse:
From DeerChat.com: Glad to hear you're alright. Sorry to hear about the car and the deer. Peace, Dave
Holy cow, how fast did you drive in a deer-infested dark way? Still, glad you're OK and cars can always be fixed or replaced.
No kidding . . . dear travel the same routes, so it's easy enough to know where they'll likely pop up, and driving accordingly will keep you out of harms way. That said, the 'other half' has ignored that fact, and smacked a good sized mule dear. Fortunately, it was in the old Ford Exploader prior to replacing it with the Prius. The animal slipped on the ice, and went under the SUV. By the time the Ford was parked in the garage, it smelled like someone was grilling ... what with all the goodies that ended up cooking on the exhaust system. The dogs got real greasy, crawling under the SUV to do some snacking on the remnants. Kinda grotesque.
There are so many deer crossing paths around here - yes, even in the Chicago suburbs - that if I "drove accordingly" I would have even more people ridding my bumper and yelling obscenities. The point of this thread was for the OP to voice his lament, not to ask what he did wrong.
That's the way it is up here too. Despite some efforts to limit the deer crossing points by putting up signs, the deer refuse to cooperate and cross wherever and whenever they see fit. I'm starting to think that they can't read. Tom
No worries.....the damn deer was running, at a pretty good clip, acrross the main road in my neighborhood, but not in a particularly noted deer area. Came from the high shool football field area where he was obviously leaving turd presents for our local high school team. Heck, I was only going 25 mph when we hit. Anyhow, I agree, could have been worse..no one was hurt, repairs are under way. Be on the look out folks, here in Virginia the deer are really on the move and moving in places they normally do not. :scared:
Somebody hit a deer at 140 mph on the autobahn. They couldn't figure out what happened to the deer. WARNING: picture is gory.
I see Deer Crossing signs all the time in my area. I've seen 3 deer on the hill where i live coming home and a fox at Mesa College walking to my car. We also have a coyote problem
Looks like the deer got 'eaten' by the car....(the pic didn't look too bad). I saw a clip where a fast car on track (not sure how fast, but 100+mph for sure) smashed to a deer and it got disintegrated right away....like those horror movies effect from Hollywood. (yuk!)
There's always a possibility because deers know no cops. However; my guess of the police cars hitting deers maybe slim because cops usually have driver-training (better reaction/skills) and police cars can really drive SLOWLY in the high risk (for deers) area without intimidated by other drivers in rush. Who dare to pass (or blast) on a slowly driven police car anyway?
I like deer. Especially if you let it marinade 48 hours before cooking. Yum! The worst I have seen was a pulp truck that nailed a moose. Driver was lucky he wasn't killed. The Detroit Diesel actually broke off the mounts, went back around a foot. Most of the moose went through the engine, parts of the moose then got wrapped up in the drives. Yuck!
day 11..still in the shop...all paint work done, went to get aligned and needs knuckle and control arm....cha ching.......estimate approaching $6000.
Deer often come out of the dark at full tilt. No way to see them and react in the flash of an instant you see them about to intersect with your vehicle. I hit a deer at night on the open highway. I was doing about 65. I saw it just as flashed across the front of the truck. No time to react. Fortunately it was the truck, and all that was required to fix it was to replace the bumper. Still, it was a bummer all the way around. Sucks every time. Truck 1. Deer 0.01