So I read about others' experiences like this and kinda expected something like this, but sheesh. I've only had the car 3 days. I'm on a two lane freeway, going 68 mph and keeping up with the flow, not trying to glide or anything. I'm in the right lane with no other cars around me. Out of nowhere, this guy in a big black SUV speeds up to 80 so he can tail me for a few hundred feet, then makes as if he's gonna pass me on the right (shoulder), then swerves back and brakes and slaloms for a bit before backing off and exiting at the next turn off. I like having a (first!) new car but I kinda wish I had my plates. I think being new makes me a target.
He could have been drunk. I had a drunk driver do this to me when I was driving a Ford Aerostar van. I thought he was being an aggressive jerk, since there were open lanes on the highway, and yet he kept running up behind me and then backing off. When he actually ran into the back of my van at highway speed I realized this was more than being aggressive. When the cops pulled him over, they confirmed that he was pickled. Tom
How do you know he was driving like that because you were in a Prius? Sounds like he was in a hurry to get off the exit and you were going slower than he would like. edit: not blaming YOU for going slow. Just saying he might have driven like that regardless of what slower car was ahead of him.
Congrats on your new Prius! Sounds like he was just nuts, or maybe rushing to the hospital to have a baby ;-). I live in san jose and commute to fremont, there's always some crazy person riding my tail on 680. I guess 65-70 mph is too slow in the slow and middle lanes anymore. I just assume they ride everyone's tail and try to ignore them...
I have experience this too especially with SUVs and trucks when I just got my Prius. There's lots of anti-Prius sentiments in my town. Almost everyone drives big trucks and SUVs and you always heard Prius jokes on the radio, tv, and from people. I'm use to it now. I just grin as they try to keep up with me up a hill.
I lived in Sunnyvale from 1979 until 2000 when I moved to OC. Recall when Hwy 85 was constructed, the common wisdom was that 85 was the speed limit, not the highway numbering...
I think that this is quite a common occurance for a lot of economical car drivers and not just Prius drivers. Myself i had a simular experience on the French motorways just last week. I'm comfortably going 115 just a bit under the limit when a boy racer screams up behind and tries to hurry me on. The motorway is completly empty by the way. He then roars around and swerves back in front before slowing down to 60 causing me to hit the brakes hard to avoid hitting him, before roaring off again at well over 130. Some people are just idiots.
Don't be too sensitive yet, this could happen to ANY car you drive in the same condition. There're just a lot of 'aggressive' jerks out there, not SUV-exclusive. You can always call-in to report aggresive driving, if your state has a number for one.
Makes you want to mount a cannon on the back of your Prius doesn't it? I had the same problem. Once I got my real plates, things got significantly better. Of course you might want to be a little less assertive around pickups and SUVs, because they will tailgate you (etc.) for the slightest little offense. Seems like their piss ant little egos are all mended now that gas prices have gone down again and they no longer have to envy Prii. But I think once the new presidential administration gets in, they're going to be looking for ways to pay for all of the new renewable energy development and infrastructure improvement needed to create jobs and stoke the economy. Not to mention the emissions penalties. Just like in Europe, it'll probably get pretty costly to own a tank - then it will be you casting the evil little smirk in their general direction as you pass them.
Except they (the tanks that pass and then slow down) still probably won't have learned that there's a correlation between their lousy driving habits and their poor gas mileage. In fact, they probably (as most) don't even know what their actual mileage is. They think they're getting whatever is indicated by the EPA. All they know is how much it costs at the pump. And of course that it's the fault of somebody else. Dave M.
I have noticed people are back to old habits, driving 90 in 65 lanes. I got about 70-75 on the freeway, and people blow by me all day long. Gas is low again, good times! not. it was kinda of nice when it was 4.50 a gallon, at least people seemed to drive more conservatively or it was just in my head.
When gas was at its peak price. I still had idiots pass me like I was walking. Happens to me every day on the way to work, on rural roads too. A few weeks ago a pickup passed me as I was going 40 in a 40 zone at 5:30 AM. Watched the blue lights come on just as he went around me........he got nailed, must have been doing at least 60. If every vehicle had the display showing cumulative and instant mileage as the Prius does, people would change their ways. 90% of the people, just drive and put gas in when they need it.
Today's roads are full of anal receptacles. Its not Prius fault. They were born that way. Just think of it as Prius envy, instead of Prius hate.
It's definitely Prius envy not hate! I live in a town right outside of Eugene where the speed limit on the freeway is 55 but like any other place, I get the peeps riding my behind practically in the backseat with my kids! Whenever I get other drives on my rear trying to hussle me along, I just remember that they aren't buying my gas so they can wait or go around!
After driving my Big Truck, my Fast Car, my Teenie CRX, and the new Prius, I don't think it's so much Prius Hate OR Envy...but rather they are simply aggressive drivers and Prius aren't intimidating. My big truck, when driven normally, is like an elephant on the savannah with herds of small animals flowing around it. They give it plenty of room most of the time, but since it's slow they like to zip in front when I leave space between me and the next car. Dangerous for them. Annoying for me. The Fast Car gets plenty of room from others. They don't tailgate it, and I don't get bothered. The CRX gets no respect. Tailgated. Pulled in front of. Ignored at lane change. I really have to be careful. So far in the Prius, people treat me better than when I'm in the CRX. Still, I prefer to drive the truck when I can since it shoos away aggressive idiots. In highway rock/paper/scissors, the truck usually wins.
I had tailgaters in my last car so I don't blame the Prius when I get tailgaters now. Some people are just d--- heads, ignore then and keep driving. I often slow down to let clowns like this pass.