Yesterday I filled up and at one of the pumps were 3 jock-looking teenager kids sitting around either in or on top of the back of what appeared to be a 2008 Mustang. They weren't gassing up. This was the cheapest gas station for probably 50 miles in any direction, so it would have made sense if they were filling up, but they weren't. The whole time I was there, no pump action. I don't mind kids hanging out, its just that I can't imagine why in the hell anyone would want to hang out at a gas station! Anyone else seen this?
we see this very night. 99% of the time they are hanging out 1% of the time, they either want beer or cigarettes
I worked in a service station on weekends as a youth. My friends would come there to visit me on weekends. We would use the garage part of the building to mess with our cars but never did any harm ecept the odd black line or 2. One guy broke his diff!!
Around here, the high school kids are hanging out at a Burger King. Not eating, don't buy anything, just hang out. Police got involved, emails and phone calls went out to all high schooler's parents, that they have to stop or they will be arrested for loitering. That Burger King is close to a senior housing complex, and the elderly were getting frightened. No reports of harassment or anything. (At least the elders will buy a senior citizens' coffee!)
Last summer, a mall in nearby Delaware required that on Fri. nights, anyone under 17 must be accompanied by a parent -- or maybe just an adult. Maybe that's loosened up now to increase sales -- but all the ruckus was discouraging bona-fide consumers anyway.
Some malls have taken to playing music unfriendly to teenagers, such as classical, big band, swing, etc. Other malls use a high pitched sound generator that is irritating to young people with good hearing. All of us old farts are too deaf to hear anything that high. Tom
at least they weren't looking to rob you. some of the stations around here are just plain scary. try to avoid them if i can. maybe they where waiting for their friend to do a beer run who knows