you all know I have been a sceptic, but now I am a convert. I have really found an engine which runs on water!! I have had this engine on a bench and running for 3 days continuously without a hitch and all I had to add to keep it going was more water. There is no noise, no steam, no vibration just a smooth running engine. So to show you all this fantastic engine I recorded it on my phone and posted a short video on YouTube. Seriously you will love this and be amazed. If you work out how it works, keep it to yourself please. I am considering up-scaling this to generate electricity!! Have a look V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Yes I need to re-record this with a tripod.
Okay, I'm convinced. I will retract all of my snake oil comments about water engines. I love those glass drinking birds. I designed a version that sat on top of a monitor and worked from the waste heat venting out the top. We used to sell them. Obviously LCD monitors put an end to that. The drinking birds are really a form of Sterling Cycle engine. It's a special case, where the working fluid acts as a displacer, but it works on the same principle. Sterling Cycle engines are able to operate on low heat gradients. I would classify the wet bulb/dry bulb difference as a low gradient. Tom
I really, really need to convince my client to send me to Singapore or Hong Kong on "business" very soon now I'm going to have to arrange a layover in Sydney and take you out for *very* heavy drinking. I suspect that stress at work and/or family is finally catching up to you Heavy drinking is actually good for you. It encourages your liver to grow in size, bigger is better. All the weak, useless brain cells will be killed off, leaving only strong, healthy, useful brain cells
Pat: sorry, but you should be hearing from my lawyer this afternoon about a patent infringement suit against you... but dont fret... because of our PC bond, i might be open to a regional office in your neck of the woods...
Oh come on, where is my argument? Anyone else comes into PC saying they have an engine that runs on water and they cop it, why did I get off so light? Well I told you the truth the truth, the only fuel consumed is water. Your scathing attacks are bouncing off my skin, thick with scars from past attacks. No one can deny the video is of a Prius with an engine which runs on water. Can you? Yes it's a sterling engine and one any of you can buy for a low price, I was the one who thought of putting the Prius and the birdie engine, yes I looked on the box, it said birdie, I put them together to create the perfect hybrid. Well I admit I have a lot of work to do but the concept is a proven one, all I need to do now is get the engine to move the car. By the way, 5 days without stopping now. I have done the patent search and there has been no breach, the engine is commercially available and the car is too, putting them together was obvious.
and here I thought you put a bunch of hamsters inside the prius and fed them only water......although I don't know how they would last beyond a few days....
I make a miracle discovery, I should be getting the free drinks Darell. I can see it now, suburbs full of giant drinking ducks powering the homes using nothing but water.