Is there any way to tell if any (or how many) users are in the live Chat room without actually entering it? Are there any times when people regularly gather in the Chat room? Barbara
You should be able to if you are on the Forum Index page. It should show the following: "There are 1 user(s) in the chatroom now [ Click to join chat ] ichwill "
Ah, I see it now. Thanks. I was looking on the Home page. My mental map sees Chat and Forum as two different things, so I didn't think to look there. Barbara
I have tried the "chat" room feature a couple times when I see someone is already there. However, on all the occasions, the user has already logged off PriusChat yet still shows as being on board. Also, the message on the chat log indicates the time that I logged on and also shows the exact time as when the other person logged out. Is there a method to "exit" the chat room which clears your name from the "in the chat room" so an accurate number and names of users in the room are displayed? Thanks.
When you press the 'X' in the top right corner of the Chat window it should exit you, then show up another pop up that says something about thanks for using the chat, blah blah. Perhaps some people aren't Xing out both of those windows so it's showing them as still being in the chat even though they aren't. If you folks think you'll use the chat more in the future I can install a new one I've found that appears to be better (private chats, etc) and tailor it to our needs.
Danny, I think a new chat format would be good. The current one isn't very friendly. Also, if there's an option for a 'beep' or something when a new person enters the room that would be good too. Sometimes I'll enter the chat room eagerly anticipating someone joining me, but until then I wanna keep surfing, but that window gets covered up and there's no way to know, without going back to that window, when someone's entered and posted. Also, the problem with showing someone leaving when they haven't typed anything for a while, the jerky movement of the messages scrolling up, the apparent presence of someone in the room only to enter and find they really aren't there, it all adds up to a less-than-user-friendly system. i'd at least test the new chat format, make a big announcement, encourage people to try it and see if some interest can be stirred up. >1200 members now, seems like we could get 2 or 3 together at the same time once a day.