First, if I upgrade to say a 16" rim, will it disrupt the function of the traction control system? Is there a conventional otto cycle engine that is available to replace the atkinson cycle setup? Is this item available through the usual japanese engine importers? Any suspension tuning products available? Thinking of trading my new SAAB 9-3 Aero in for one as two of my major projects are nearly finished and I don't need the power in my daily driver anymore for the most part. Jason
:crazyeyes: Why on EARTH would you want to do that?!?! seriously.. the only thing funkier than the A-cycle engine is a Stirling engine (and you won't be seeing one of them in a car for a while, if ever). If you really want a unique Prius with extra performance.. maybe go for re-making the "Rally" Prius.. Toyota did one that went rather well.,v...rtid=27094&pg=2
I was just curious on that one. I dig the funky A-Cycle. In fact, you want to talk funky? I'm designing a 120 degree V10 dual action oscillating steam engine as a machining project. My main interest in the car is to get it for daily driving purposes to save nearly $10,000 during thte life of the car through fuel economy. Just that $10,000 makes the difference to me. I am however curious what a replacement battery pack costs and what the life expectancy of that unit is. My main hurdle right now is justfiying getting rid of a year old, otherwise new car. Jason
The A-cycle engine is a perfect partner to the electric. The whole car was designed from the ground up to be extremely efficiant and still useable. To swap the A-cycle out for something else with the belief that it's going to improve the efficiancy of the car would be extreme folly. I believe the Honda's are a little more efficiant but they're nowhere near as NICE or productive as the Prius. (besides.. it's not a Toyota :-D ). as for the batteries. I'm not sure where you are in the world but here in australia the batteries have a 5 year warranty regardless of how many km's you do with them. The generally agreed life of them is 8-10 years. replacement cost out of warranty is estimated to be about $1800.00. If you want to save on costs.. then don't mod it... the car doesn't really NEED modding.. the only thing I ever want to chang in it is I had it tinted (because our sun is HARSH over here, and it makes it look VERY cool ie: ), and I want a better stereo.
A cycle at 13 to 1 compression runs just fine on 87 octane pump gas because of the varialbe compression ratios. O cycle at 13 to 1 compression needs 100/130 octane av gas to keep from detonating.