Well, not a plunge actually, but took the necessary step! As of 11/17/08 I am the proud, and very elated owner of a brand new 2009 Prius, package 5, Seaside Pearl. It came with a grand total of 18 miles on it. I've been studying the purchase of one and decided now was the right time. Saved a HUGE bundle, too. My OTD price: $1250 below dealer invoice! Cars are moving very slow and the dealer didn't blink when I walked in with my ridiculously low bid. First bid, too! On the good side, for the 3 hours I was there doing all the paperwork, etc, the dealer sold 2 more! I'm not entirely new to this forum, just now a new owner. My eternal thanks to all those who've offere technincal posts and information here over the past few months. That information was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back and helped me make my decision to buy a Pri. All I had to figure out was the 'when.' A footnote to all who are thinking of buying: The dealer told me in an 'oh by the way' kind of way that Toyota predicts gas prices will be going up again soon, and all the way up to $5/gallon. This comment was not made in a way to get me to buy, so I suspect there may be credence in it.
Congratulations on your good timing. As far as high gas prices, I think that it is reasonable to assume that they will stay low for at least several months (my prediction is the obvious around Memorial Day). But the biggest question is how long is it before the country forgets about high gas prices and starts buying up the big guzzlers again even though the warning shots have already been fired.
Wow, and to think that just six months ago they would have laughed you right out of the place! Good timing. . _H*
Thanks. My first choice was a Barcelona Red but Toyota only delievers that color in a package 6 in our region. Talking to my salesman, and discovering that the package 6 seats are not 100% leather (just portions of each seat), I decided the extra cost was not worth the cost - so I dropped back to a package 5. Personally, my wife likes the Seaside Pearl better than the Barcelona Red, so it worked out after all!