I'm considering purchasing a Dual XHD7720. I like that it has HD radio and an AUX port for my iPhone right up front... and of course that it is compatible with my Prius! I have an '05 Prius with no nav and the stock (non-JBL) stereo. I think it sounds fine as-is, but then again, I listen mostly to podcasts, so maybe I'm not that picky. Anyway, I know the stereo will physically fit, and it should be compatible with the wiring behind the current deck (according to my research and the "geniuses" at Crutchfield). My question is this: If I install this, A) will it interfere with other functions of the MFD? I know it won't integrate with the steering wheel controls or MFD, but I don't really care. And B) what will the audio screen show after installation? I couldn't find anything on this, I searched around this board and on the Googles, so if I've missed something, please advise. I've come to this board many times before to do research, and it has been an incredibly valuable resource, so thanks in advance for your help! --Jeff P.
I just installed an aftermarket radio in my '09. NO interference with the MFD screen. No steering wheel controls, and the audio screen will show "Audio Off". Used a size 1 DIN and an inexpensive wiring adapter and mounting kit. No Problems...
You might also consider this: DICE ELECTRONICS- iPod Car Integration - Hard-wired You can get both of the features (you would have to get the optional iPod cable it looks like) you want with it and still use your sterring wheel controls and MFD.
...it's called threadcrapping. Look it up. @jhill, that looks interesting, but requires professional installation, and is on backorder. Otherwise, an interesting and viable alternative, thanks!
I've found this for sale elsewhere, but I'm still concerned about DICE's statement that "professional installation" is required. Does anyone know for sure if that is the case?
Hi there! Were able to solve your problem? I am trying to do exactly the same thing and don't want to replace the factory stereo just add in this case a Dual XDVDN8190. I have the same questions as you in this regard? Any valuable tips? I have an 07 Prius Basic Pack. Javier
Installing a standard aftermarket stereo will effectively disable the factory steering wheel control unless your new stereo has a "steering wheel control adapter" built in. This is highly unlikely since these types of modules are specific to makes and models of cars. You can however, purchase a seperate module to retain SOME of your factory steering wheel controls for use with your new stereo but generally not al and the adapters seem to be in the $50-$120 range. Your MFD screen will show the regular radio controls but they will be cosmetic only and will not do anything once your new stereo is installed. This is assuming you installed your new stereo they way I did and spliced in 2 aftermarket harnesses instead of using 1 harness and the 68 ohm resistor mod like Metra Electronics recommends. Here is the link to the old thread when I first installe dthe aftermarket deck. One thing you need to consider is how far your screen will come out of the deck before if can be flipped open for viewing. The stereo sits pretty far back and the screen would have to come pretty far forward to be viewable in a 90deg angle. http://priuschat.com/forums/audio-e...th-install-aftermarket-stereo-in-prius-3.html