Perhaps some of the legally trained minds here could tell me if they take a specific class in law school or the profession just attracts that type of person? Slashdot | Toyota Demands Removal of Fan Wallpapers
Sounds like management was looking at whether or not they had too many lawyers. So there was an incentive to look busy. I can't think of any other way to make sense of this at the moment.
Heavy handedness by Toyota doesn't mean they will prevail... Unless the photos were taken by Toyota, they ain't gonna get crap. Cars that are not in a factory and have been sold to someone else post building the car can be photographed by nearly anyone in public, and especially by the owner.... and about photographs in general the primary/original photographer has the rights usually... Cars are not art, or proprietary knowledge... cars in general are a mass produced finished product willingly sold by the manufacturer (read Toyota) to get and retain that income for it's own uses. The cars are not sold to people under any condition of photography that I know about... otherwise why are there sooooo many movies crashing em up. The courts will toss this one.
1. Sounds like typical scare tactics. 2. Is Anonymous a credible source? Anyone can post garbage so I'll believe it when I see some documentation. Why not post a copy of the letter? 3. "99% of all lawyers give the other 1% a bad name."--Hooters towelette package