does anybody know alot about it. I a article that is is very efficient on fuel and put out less emission then a regular diesel it get's the fuel efficiency by high pressurized fuel If this is true why wouldn't this work in vegetable oil driven car and be better for the environment.would like to hear from you people that work with veg oil and diesel motors
All diesel engines use highly pressurized fuel. They have to by the very nature of how diesel engines work. Tom
from the article I got to read they use a lot higher pressure to get it to atomize better that is why they get zero black smoke and better fuel mileage I thought if they could do that with a car or truck and use veg oil how cool would that be and less emission, but I here the is the high pressure lines on a car over a long period of would rupture that is why it not on the market yet
Are you talking about the Audi TDI R10? (This is a Lemans endurance racer and the most famous diesel race car but VW an Audi have other diesel race cars) The R10 has an injection pressure of 2000 BAR or ~ 29,000 PSI. Though this sounds high it is not different from production TDI engines. Current TDI engines range from 1400 to 2000 Bar depending on application. The old PD (Pumpe Düse) system - sold in the US from 2004-2006 TDI's - generates 2200 Bar (32,000 PSI) The reason that the R10 has no visible smoke is two-fold. First, Shell is supplying GTL diesel fuel. GTL (gas-to-liquid) is made from natural gas as is MUCH cleaner that liquid diesel. Second, they use a DPF (diesel particulate filter) to capture any particulates that leave the combustion chamber.
yea that is a a real neat fast race car. that is one of the ones they are talking about and they were talking about having even double to 4 times the pressure to fuel they found that it breaks down and atomizes the fuel more and get better mileage is the results and were talking about it in big trucks too . but their worry was the pressure and making lines that it would hold that pressure and not fracture and be dangerous to the public. because they said in the article it improves the mileage a lot. I thought since vegetable it better for the environment and the mileage improves on diesel motors when uses vegetable oil if any one heard if they have tried vegetable oil at those high pressures yet ?
The article you read my be comparing apples and oranges. As I said, the R10 is using the same injection pressures as production diesel engines. However, these pressures are much higher than those in gasoline cars. Higher pressure is needed to overcome increased cylinder head pressure. Diesel engines are direct injection. Fuel is injected directly into the combustion chamber on the compression stroke. In order to overcome the pressure inside the cylinder head much higher injection pressures are needed. Modern diesel also use multiple injection per cycle. Instead of one large injection 3 to 5 smaller injections are used. Very high pressures are need to do this as the injector must open a close multiple times in milli-seconds. SVO (straight vegetable oil) is not compatible with modern diesel engines as the glycerin in the vegetable oil will clog the injectors. This is not to be confused with biodiesel which has been processed to remove the glycerin.
If you live in a cold climate like I do, forget about it. You'd be surprised how many Jetta and Golf owners refuse to buy diesel at major truck stops, where the fuel is properly blended for the season. I guess they think they're too "good" for a greasy truck stop So they go to a hole-in-the-wall service station that has old, most likely summer blend, with a lot of moisture and crap. Then a cold snap hits, and even plugged in the thing won't start
modern diesel can run on straight vegetable oil the problem you are talking to run on straight vegetable oil your entire system must be pre heat and kept above certain temp or they have a plug system the keep your vegetable oil hot in the winter , you start it in colder mornings on biodiesel or diesel then when temp is right it switches over to vegetable oil . their companies that offer those kits for the newer cars and truck and they have very good filters to catch any of the particals that the filtering that you do yourself does not remove. so you do not have to remove the glycerin if you don't want to. or run biodiesel if in it too. yes warmer the climate the less you have to worry about . but again I was thinking out loud if this higher pressure system give more mileage and running vegetable oil does the same marry the both together how much better it would be and then put it with a hybrid system
I've aware of SVO kits, I've looked at several kits from different companies. As you can see in my signature, I have a 2003 Jetta TDI. However, I don't consider my TDI to be a modern diesel. Though sold in 2003, the engine in my TDI was first used in 1993. When I say modern, I'm talking about engines like the 2.0 TDI CR in the 2009 Jetta. With even smaller injector holes, particulate filters, and a NOx catalyst involved I would not use SVO in one of these vehicles. I also have a 2005 Prius and I can assure you there is nothing to "put up with". I get in, drive normal, and get 45 to 50 mpg. I would say using SVO in my TDI would be much more of a hassle and I would have to pay $1500 to $2500 for a kit then instal it. That doesn't even count the hassle of finding a restaurant that will give you their waste oil, collecting it, and then filtering it through several stages.
I wasn't meaning you. I was thinking out loud for ideals . I know their is no hassle with a prius I have 2004 prius I love it. but I believe that once you get the resources for the veg oil and have the kit in it and proper filters it would work in your type of injection. and you live a some what warm climate it would work . yes is does take some time get things going. but now I am thinking out loud on this that in regular diesel if you us vegetable oil you get better gas mileage I know that because in my race car hauler when I have use veg oil in it it does get better fuel mileage . the higher fuel pressure for a diesel the better the fuel mileage , by that article i read I was hoping maybe someone of smarter mines then would take it and run with it. and I seeing what people thought about it out their in world. now I could be wrong but If I had newer car on that injection on it I would like to try it. it jMO