Winter is getting near, so the sun goes down shortly after 5PM here. Since our boat is electric, I usually take it to the clubhouse pool for my after work swim. Finished putting the boat cover back on afterward, and everthing began turning orange. I almost missed the great sunset overhead, so I ran for the camera. While jumping onto our neighbor's dock for a better picture I smacked our rod iron fence with my left knee. Clicked off a couple shots, while ignoring the pain. Limping back into the house I thought, "stupid A.D.D. ~ I should have just started the chores, rather than get distracted with the sunset" . Can you tell how appropos our boat name is? "oh look, a sunset!!"
Tomorrow night, instead of bashing your knee, take the camera with you out on the boat, stay out later, and get lotsa shots of the sky's colours reflecting off the water.
Great photo, thanks for sharing! Hope the knee is feeling better by now. Had to laugh at the boat name, saw that before I saw the last line in you post, lol.
No flash . . . it took a month for another good shot (2 shots pasted together). What do you think? merry christmas
The important question is "What do YOU think?" But I think this looks far better and would make a nice print to hang in your house or a Christmas card.
Had to make a few work trips to the Flathead Valley (FCA airport), they do have some awesome sunsets there. Sunrise is great too as you can watch the sun crawl down the mountains on the west side of the valley. Are these taken on Flathead lake?
Gorgeous photograph (esp. the second one), and hate to nitpick, but that thing you bashed your knee on, Hill, it's a WROUGHT iron fence, not a ROD iron fence. I bashed my knee on a chester, um, I mean, chest of drawers one time. I feel your pain. Literally. Bee.
Aunt Bee?? since you have been "reincarnated" i cant help but wonder who you were in your previous online persona?
oic ok, should have known that.... Boo, if the profile has been corrupted somehow, its usually necessary to change names, many have had to do it in the past
Yeah, I tried getting in under my old ID, but couldn't remember my password. I couldn't get the reset thing to work for me. And I have a new internet provider now. High speed DSL instead of dial up so it's much faster. I'm still the same AuntBee, just had to put a space in there to re-register. Do you like my new avatar? Discovered that pic during a recent genealogical dig--it's my great-great-grandparents taken circa 1868!
You're The Artist Formerly Known as AuntBee!!! AuntBee Senior Member [imglink][/imglink]
Yeah! Tom found my old muffin/cupcake that E-moi sent me! Maybe there is a way to get my old name back, but if not, I'm okay with the space in the middle if you guys are.