I tried to install the Costal E Tech EV mod today without success. I have the pin in so that the wire is just in the plug. Does it go in further? I had a lot of trouble with the pulling the white bar thing on the plug out very far I could only pull it out a few mm. Is that a problem? I am also wondering about the taps. Has anyone had problems with those. Suggestions for trouble shooting the install?
Henry you have to get the lock (white bar) out about 3/16 of an inch any less and you won't be able to get the pin all the way in. I did that job last year for a friend and it's quit tough to get out a small knife blade under the bar at the ends and rock it back and forth to pry it out.
I had the same problem. But I suspected the pin wasn't in far enough because I had had so much trouble with it. So when the EV didn't work, I had to pull the plug out, work the white bar out again and push the pin in further. I used a very fine flat tip screwdriver to push the pin in further. Then I put it all back together and it worked fine and has since. Bob Wells
I did a 'Home Brew' EV mod with out a connector pin. I was a little concerned about moving that latch. . . All I could picture is all the wires coming out of the housing. Anyway, I used a piece of stranded #18 AWG wire stripped about 1/2 inch and ran it thru the center of the harness with the rest of the wires. Pulled it thru so it was in the general area of the connector, then I pushed it into the hole as far as I could and used some tie wraps to hold it in place. The ground I picked up from the metal housing around the connectors. These (2) wires were then attached to a small switch. The wires can be removed instantly with no damage to the connector.
The first time I did the EV mod was a few minutes after Wayne Brown published the solution: momentary ground Pin 27 of connector (whatever it was). I jumped into the car, found the right spot, used a toothpick to wedge a wire in place, and stuck a switch in an appropriate spot. Worked on the first try. That toothpick lasted six months or more - until I changed to another way of doing it.
I found it was quite a pain to get the pin in all the way when installing. I finally used a small screwdriver to press down on the pin to get it all the way in there.
Thanks for all the help I will not have a chance to fool with it until I am off on Wednesday. Hopefully I will not get hammered that night and will be awake enough to fix this. I did not get back to you'll very quickly because I am having cable modem problems at home. Got a new TV after 19 years and when they installed the digital cable the modem went flaky on me. Boy have TV's become more complicated in 19 years. Now does anyone here know how to program a universal remote? Using 4 remotes to get anything done is a major pain.
I am going to check and see what resistances or voltages one should see out of that pin, so they'll know if it is in all the way. With the coastal mod, that might be a tad harder, as there is no exposure to the wire; you'd have to probe the pin itself.
http://www.remotecentral.com/ureview/10.htm was a good investment due to my needs, and programs easily from the old remote. Maybe $70 plus shipping if you hunt around the Internet...
I installed the EV mod and the door lock mod from Costal at the same time. On the first try, neither worked. Their tech support reported that, as we've seen fromothers, that the pins was not fully inserted. I used a very small screw driver to push it in hat last 1/116 inch to be as deep as the other factory pins. The other problem (with the door lock) was that the blade that goes into the wire tap sometimes rides up the side instead in into the contact. Check the sample included for correct insertion. Both work fine since. Very handy!
I had the same problem. I thought I might of really messed something up . Your pin just isn't in all the way. Like Evan said, it needs to be seated all the way in with the rest of the pins. I had one heck of a time pulling out the white bar as well. Regards, Bit++
Well I got it. It was great to drive in to the garage from the driveway with out the ICE starting! The pin was the problem. I eventually felt a bit of a click when it was in place. The white bar is a pain in the posterior. Do not try to grab it in the center and pull it out the plastic is soft and deforms easily. I think the white bar is the hardest part of the whole thing. Now to update my profile.