I've put in order for 2009. Is there any difference in comfort of leather or non leather seats. I drive 100 miles a day and am 6 foot tall. Is the upgrade worth it from package 3 to six for that option?
We prefer the feel and low maintenance of leather - plus we just like the look better too. It was worth the upgrade for us.
I just got my 2009 Driftwood Pearl pkg #4 in September and if there is one change I would make would be to have the leather. I've never been a leather person, but the cloth on these seats is not very durable and I've already purchased a leather cover for the backseat and my rough two children. I love the leather cover so much, I'm just biding my time until I can purchase the leather for the two front seats. So, I would vote yes big time on going for the upgrade to leather! Oh, and by the way, I just love my car more and more each day! Good luck with yours!!!
I usually drive a few more miles than you per day (approx 120), and our '08 had dealer installed leather which was 100% more comfortable than the cloth seats. Our '09 is going to get leather installed hopefully next week. Now if I can just stand sitting in the cloth seats till then.. So I definatly recommend the leather, our dealer did a WONDERFUL job on it last time. I'm hoping for the same this time as well.
If you ordered a Prius because you care about the environment, then don't get the leather seats. Leather is an extremely toxic, carbon-intensive and water-intensive product. If you don't care about carbon or toxic chemical waste emissions then disregard this message. Most of us think of leather as 'natural', but the tanning of leather goods - everything from must have handbags to car interiors - can involve up to 300 different toxic chemcials. The leather we wear and use is often produced under appalling conditions by impoverished people in countires like Bangladesh, many of whom won't live past the age of 50 because of their day-to-day exposure the poisonous chemicals involved in bringing cheap leather goods to the masses in the developed world. The toxic legacy of these chemicals goes far beyond the factory, however, since the effluent from the tanneries is often discharged straight into the local waterways where it poisons local people who drink, wash and grow crops using this tainted water.
I'm trying to find out which type is more comfortable to sit in for long drives, regardless if it is leather or fabric. or is it the same?
I know where Northport, NY is located. I do some business with a sailing equipment company located there. Northport, Michigan is located at the tip of Michigan's little finger, stuck out into Lake Michigan. It is the largest village in Leelanau County, with a year round population of about 610. Northport, Michigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tom
Wow - had no idea that the process for making leather was as mentioned above. The Prius fuel economy was my primary factor in purchasing. Prior to purchase watched this website to learn, just as you are doing. There are many people who have commented in previous threads/messages, that the fabric was dissapointing and did not hold up as well as they hoped. I drive anywhere from 50-70k a year and elected to have leather so I didnt have to worry about wear and tear, but did not want to pay for all the other goodies, as many of them were audio or navigation related..bluetooth as well. Went for the Touring for safety purposes, as I drive so much. Touring tested to stop 10 feet quicker than the regular model - and chose Package 2 , having leather added at the port. For me, it was the best way to go. Have a friend who is IMMACULATE and single...he has cloth and has had no problems with it, but if you drink, eat, or spend a lot of time in your vehicle, the leather, or sturdy seat covers seem to be the way to go, based on prior information posted here. The factory leather is very nice as well. In our area, Houston, if package does not include factory leather, the port "dealer installs" it as a part of your ordering process, and includes liquicill ( spelling? ) which from what I understand is a gel like substance that adds a bit more comfort to the seating. I test drove one with factory leather and it was sturdy and sat very nicely, so if you select a Package 6 you will be very happy with factory leather. Im five eleven and overweight and fit in the car and the seat very comfortably. LOVE my Prius...getting 48.5 consistently with out babying it very much. Best wishes going forward. There are some great people on here that will do everything they can to be helpful. They answered many many questions for me and gave me sound feedback. My husband is six eleven and a big boy as well. He has to recline the seat a bit in any car he sits in, but can ride as a passenger comfortably up front. Sit in one first, While two people can be the same height, you may have a longer torso, versus someone else who is all legs, and the "fit" would be different.