I have the TOYSC1 and SCC1 on my '07 Prius. All has been working great since install until yesterday. With the latest update that Sirius / XM pushed out over the air...I no longer have a working radio. Yea...they busted it with this update. All I get is a Tuner Not Found message when I switch to Sat 1/2/3. I called support this morning and they claim it affects all Toyota's. If you have Sirius in your Toyota (or any car for that matter) is yours working? Bonus: On my second call back, they told me I'd have to return it to the dealer.
You're not alone. All the folks with Mitsubishi's and Volvo's are having the same problem. The quick work around is to power cycle the radio unit. It of course, only fixes the problem until the next channel line-up rearrangement. Here are the threads elsewhere about this topic: http://forums.swedespeed.com/zerothread?id=108291 http://forums.swedespeed.com/zerothread?id=108298 MMCS Sirius radio update killed radio-2007 Outlander XLS "sat error" shows on stock radio Antenna Error on Sirius?? - evolutionm.net
I have a 2006 prius w/ the toyota installed Sirius. Got the update yesterday morning. Works fine today...all 3 SAT settings.
There's a mechanic on the Volvo forum (link above) who said that some will update successfully and some won't. Until Sirius provides a statement as to why _any_ of the units are failing, it will be the luck of the draw for those who get the update and still have a functioning radio.
I wonder if the TOY SC1 units are the ones that are giving problems, where as the factory installed units are ok. Something to think about.
My TOY-SC1/SC-C1 combo updated fine. The SC-C1 is the actual tuner, so that should be the only part affected.
My SC-1 update and worked fine yesterday. Then, it dropped out a couple of times and quit about 30 minutes into my morning drive, with the No Tuner message. I turned it off and on a couple times with no luck. When I started the car tonight it was working again.
If it makes you feel any better, those of us with plug-and-play receivers are having trouble, too. Every third or fourth time I start the car it decides that I want the XM Preview Channel so I have to tune what I want manually. If it weren't the only way to get the BBC World Service I would just ditch service entirely.
OFF TOPIC response With a slight tape delay you can use mplayer, a shell script, cron, and apache to make your own BBC World Service podcasts... I used to do this for Click and Clack before they offered MP3 streaming - on Sunday (when they updated the real audio streams) in the weee early hours in the morning a cron job would start, mplayer would to listen and convert the streams and then update my internal podcast list so when I turned on my laptop iTunes would download the show from the day before and sync with the iPod. YMMV however.
Off topic reply to off topic response to...err, something that's my fault anyway. That's a good point. I just have a strange thing about getting my news in real-time that makes podcasts unappealing. It's not entirely rational given that I rarely hear anything that's important that particular day. Back on topic, I reset my receiver and hope that will fix something. If not, my experience with calling XM Customer "Care" is that poking oneself in the eye with a sharp object is a more expedient solution to technical issues. It's not so much that anything gets fixed, but they weren't going to help me anyway. Rather, it gives me something more important to worry about so I stop fixating on paying for service that doesn't work.