I know there are other FireFox threads, but I'm starting a new one. Neener neener. I have found a few new add-ins that I really like. PicLens: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5579 Full-Screen, 3D -- PicLens transforms your browser into a visually stunning experience for finding and viewing online photos and videos. Our "3D Wall" lets you effortlessly search and zoom your way around thousands of images, videos, news feeds, sports feeds, and more. See our demo at PicLens | Immersive Views Across the Web Ctrl-Tab: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5244 Ctrl+Tab [graphical tab] navigation for Firefox tabs, similar to Alt+Tab on various operating systems. By default, Ctrl+Tab moves through the tabs left-to-right. This add-in gives a graphical interface so you can see what's on the other tabs while switching between them. Tabs Open Relative: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1956 Tabs Open Relative makes all new tabs open to the right of the current tab, rather than at the far right of the tab bar. If you have multiple PriusChat threads open and there's an article link in the first one, by default it will open on the far right, making it the last tab. This add-in opens the link in a new tab directly to the right of the current tab pushing the others over. Those are my current favorite new ones. What have you got?
Ooo. I like that last one. I haven't upgraded to Firefox 3. Wanted to wait a bit to get reviews. You haven't found any bugs? As long as I don't lose my current add-ons, I'll be upgrading soon. My favorite is still the foxmark sync. I also use the pdf viewer, open image in new tab, I've got a flag in the bottom corner to identify country of website and a download video.
I JUST used the "Tabs Open Relative." There was a reported post. The way they come in is as a new thread in the "Staff Forum" so we see them in the "New Posts" query. Opening that thread provides the reason, the reported post, and a link. With the "Tabs Open Relative" add-in, I can click the link to take care of the offensive post and know that it will open right next to the report. Previously, I had to go to the far-right tab and when done I had to remember which tab I had launched it from. And trust me, when there are multiple reports about multiple posts, it's sometimes difficult to keep them straight. If you want to fully appreciate the PicLens, do a Google Image search. Here, click this ==> prius - Google Image Search
Great tips Tony, thanks, I added the PicLens...very impressive. And the relative thing...that'll be nice.
I just upgraded to FF3 this morning, and WOW! this thing is a LOT faster than FF2. Now I just hope it doesn't hog all of my resources after a couple of hours like FF2 tended to do.
Okay, I found a new add-on that I just LOVE! It's called "Customize Google" and though it has more options than I understand, the one that makes me giddy is the ability to "stream" the Google results. This means that there is never a bottom of the page. As soon as you attempt to scroll down it just loads another page's worth of hits. Then you scroll again and it loads more. Check it out if you want: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/743
Thanks Tony.... In my busy computer business life I never take the time to look for the simple things that improve my limited internet time. Firefox is my default. I only use Internet Explorer to get M$ downloads.
To all my fellow IE haters, I add one more goodie: nlite. It'll actually remove microsoft MSN, IE, outlook express garbage (but be carefull !! have backups ready in case the removal goes south on you). Why have microsoft hogging your computer's resources by default? I don't get having netscape, MSN, IE, firefox, & god only knows how much other doubling up of the same kind of programs, when you can have just one good program. Why bloat your hard drive? Best of all, it's freeeee. That's what I call nice. Edit: BTW, you CAN still get upgrades/downloads w/out ms programs. There's even a workaround for that
I like Flashblock and Colorful Tabs. Based on Tony's recommendation I am going to try Customize Google today.