Hi to everybody, with this post I just want to show you my shame about the words of our prime minister about the new U.S. president. I am sorry. Believe me, when he said “sun tanned†talking about B. Obama, he was only joking. He doesn’t want to show racism. He likes joking: he made a pair of horns behind the head of another European politic, some years ago, he loves to tell funny stories, gags and more… But the real problem for us in Italy is what he does when he’s serious… a lot of laws simply unbelievable!:mad2: When a man like him hold and/or controls practically all the TV broadcasting and a huge amount of newspapers , I think it’s not a surprise if people votes for him notwithstanding all he does now and he did in the past. That man is a danger for us and for Europe… and above all for the new generations. Now you can laugh… for Berlusconi’s stupid gags, for your (I hope) clear future with the new president and… for my English. God saves America Alberto… from Italy
Alberto, don't sweat it. You are not responsible for anyone else's actions except your own. Like the cliche goes, "Don't worry.... be happy."
Please, who cares? Watch Comedy Central to see what his own race says. Gotta remember being a different color isn't a negative or handicap nor should it be considered a criticism. If we can't joke and pun we are no longer free to speak.
Don't worry, Alberto. My Dad is Sicilian. He says plenty of stupid things he thinks are funny too. And worse has been said about Obama by Americans. I'm sure your Prime Minister will work with our President to make the world a better place. His heart is in the right place.
No offense was meant, I'm sure, and none was taken. We've had the King of Fools on the throne for the last 8 years, so we know it's no reflection on you and your countrymen.
Hello Alberto, Your English is fantastic. Don't worry about your local politician, everytime a comedian ventures a joke, he is going to hurt somebodys feelings. Most politicians are clowns anyway.:cheer2:
Thanks for your reply to all of you. Sincerely I don't think that Berlusconi is happy to work with Obama. Obama is the future, Berlusconi is the past. Obama is honest, Berlusconi exactly the opposite. Obama has skin black and white soul, Berlusconi has skin white and black soul. Obama wants the best for the future generations, Berlusconi wants the best for himself and his buddies until they work for him. Obama means renewable energies, Berlusconi means nuclear, coal, oil, waste incinerators. Obama means "spend your money well", Berlusconi means "spend your money all and then get into debt with my banks". Obama wants peace, Berluconi loves war. Obama spent his youth working to be a good politician, Berlusconi spent his youth cheating. Obama will spend his old-age applauded by the world, Berlusconi's spending his old-age now changing the laws not to be jailed. Obama uses americans' money for his country, Berlusconi uses his country to earn money. Obama has ideas for the people, Berlusconi is convinced there's no need. Obama is a politic, Berlusconi is a caricature of a politic. Obama probably can get better, Berlusconi cannot get worse. Obama is better than Bush, Berlusconi is worse. Obama doesn't like Bush, Berluconi loves him. Obama doesn't need a lawyer, Berlusconi pays 30 of the best lawyers we have and most of them are deputies and senators of his party working to change the laws to have good job during the processes...oh yes! Unbelievable? Believe me, it's truth. I can go on but I don't want to bore you anymore... I repeat what I said one year ago:" Americans! Leave Iraq alone, take your troops and COME HERE!" Bye Alberto