Would 17x7.5 rims fit on the prius? What tire size recommendation would I go with on this set up? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I don't know about 7.5", but a quick look on tirerack.com shows that 17"x7" will fit, and using 205/45 x 17" tire. Look further on tirerack and you may find 7.5" Your investments must be doing better than mine! PA P
agreed. offset is very important. it doesn't have to be precise on a 17" or 18" on the prius as to other applications though, but it needs to be in a general vicinity. like my cts, i have 22's and its such a precise fit that even a little off will cause problems. i run a +40 offset on my cts and even a +38 will not work w/o modifications. but on the prius if your running a 17" rim you could probably go within -10 to +10 without any problems. it just matters how flush you want them to sit. also 205/45/17 would be the closest overall height to the stock tires. stock tires are: 185/65/15. which gives the overall height of 24.47" 205/45/17 would give you an overall height of 24.30" and the 205 width is ideal for a 7.5" rim
Thanks for all the information everyone. The wheels I'm looking at has an offset of +48. Will that work?