by the Oxford University Press, and FireEngineer is given credit in a NYTimes blog for coining the term. "The term was coined four years ago by Wayne Gerdes, operator of CleanMPG, a Web community dedicated to sharing tips for exceeding the EPA’s fuel economy rating for conventional vehicles." This Staycation, Try Hypermiling to the CarrotMob - Green Inc. Blog -
Cool. We just made history. We can tell our grandchildren some day. "I was part of the hypermiling movement."
yup, wrong Wayne. but FireEngineer was on, what was it, 60 minutes? I think? They're both stars!! :third: eace:
4 years ago, eh? That's after the thread which gave birth to the practice was declared dead and buried. Interesting. .
It was a dark time. Long ago, before we knew anything about HSD. Gas was cheap and the SUV was rapidly growing larger. I spent much of my time on hostile automotive forums, where there was a strong anti-hybrid sentiment. My arguments were based on the real-world data I was actively accumulating and about the potential the platform had to offer. It wasn't pretty. Hypermiling originated as a method to undermine the success of hybrids. Traditional vehicles were used to squeeze out MPG higher than the Classic Prius and emissions were totally disregarded. Those online exchanges were frustrating. The host enjoyed all the attention our posts drew, so the combat went on... and on... and on. But after 1.5 years of that, the opening question was finally declared answered. Hybrids were indeed up to the chore. Want to know more? Read my personal logs. There are hundreds of entries documenting what happened, as it was happening. .
And there enlies the problem. Sorting through all that stuff on your site is an exercise in frustration. If you want to link me to pertinent blogs I might be interested. That said, I'm still trying to understand if you are saying that the WORD Hypermiling had been coined earlier than 4 years ago (evidence of such would be very interesting and would, literally, change the dictionary), or if you're just saying that the concept of hypermiling is older than 4 years? You do realize that this is about a "word" more-so than a concept as far as Wayne's new dictionary entry.
When the very first post was which used the word itself is noteworthy, but I'm still waiting for a precise definition of the word. After all, I was the very first to use the specific phrase "stealth mode" but not the first to use the word stealth in relation to Prius. As for my writings, they are a scribed history... intended for reading as a whole to get the big picture. As time proceeds and certain past events gain attention, I'll highlight them. Summaries will emerge as patterns in requests do. .
Yes it you have a reference to it previous to Wayne's use? You didn't really answer that question. The one in the article referenced above is: But I suspect the absolute official definition will be the one created by Wayne and posted on his site..since he coined and published the term and it's definition it has to be considered the gold standard and thus the most precise: would be interesting to see that show up as a secondary definition somewhere. Let me fascinating as I'm sure it is to get that big picture...I just can't get inspired to read the last 8 years + of your random hybrid experiences and thoughts....sorry, I mean no offense, I don't want to read 8 + years logs of anyone's experiences of anything.
What he said, though our names do get interchanged a lot, really confusing when we're in the same room. But I can install an engine block heater a lot faster than he can. Wayne (not Gerdes)
Oh! Oh! I guess that means you'll be ending membership here in less than 3 years... since it would also be 8 years of reading lots of experiences... and without the continuous storyline like mine. As for the definition, it's a fitting refinement. That's a nice ending to such an unexpected beginning. .
GEEZ John...I'm just saying I don't want to sit down and read 8 years of a blog... And no, if I came onto Priuschat 8 years after it started I wouldn't want to read all of it either. Anyway, my point was I am interested in your references to the origins of hypermiling, but you seem a bit intimidated by the prospect of finding such details yourself as you've yet to provide a link. And that's all I'm saying. I appreciate what you've done and what you do, but that doesn't translate into the investment of time it would take to wade through it all...sequential or not it's still a very chaotic bunch of information.
How can I forget that? Using the Accord with dangerous and extreme techniques, only the MPG was used to compare with the Prius. He went on and asked why anyone would need a hybrid if Prius-like MPG can be achieved with a non-hybrid. Of course, Wayne became a believer in HSD (and Prius) when someone taught him Pulse & Glide technique in a Prius. I am glad you blogged that whole discussion because Edmunds took that thread down. I still believe that hybrid technology is the replacement for "hyper-miling". Just like the automatic transmission is to manual transmission, HSD is to "hyper-miling". You can double your mileage just by driving normally. The technology that makes it safe without compromising performance or safety. You can still change the driver behavior to beat the EPA MPG in a hybrid but there isn't as much room left. It all comes down to speed where the slower you go, the more MPG you will get. This has been shown in MPG-MPH graph with Prius.
If it's any help, I recommend a wander through john1701a's extensive journal, or as much of it as you can make some time for, because there's a lot of good stuff in there. I tried to do a similar timeline-flow thing but it stalled after about four entries, mostly because the other pages about discoveries and hacks filled the same function albeit in a less temporally consistent way. . It's definitely like the "lewis and clark" of early Prius ownership, though. . _H*