here on the west coast we have the highest prices in Canada because of taxation by the local transit authority. Normally about 10cent's a liter cheaper about 25 miles east of here as they are out of the TA's jurisdiction.
In downtown Los Angeles, the station at the corner of Alameda and Cesar Chavez is $2.71/$2.81/$2.91 per gallon for the three grades of gas. They are always crowded, too, since there aren't too many stations in the area. I think it is a Chevron. Needless to say, I filled up closer to home, for $2.33 per gallon. Sadly, I am still over $20 for the fill-up, although the person before me at the pump put in $35!! So sad, but glad that it's not me!!
thanks for the charts jrfaris, its interesting that last summer, NY was always 2nd in gas prices. so why have they seemed to go up slower than the rest of the country?
Here in Ft. Myers,Fl., Hess gas is 2.19 for reg. and thats about the lowest in our area. Filled up in the keys 2 days ago for 2.14 per gallon. My purchase was $8.50 and the motor home next to me was over $60.00 and He said He was lucky to get 9 mpg!